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Taaffe v Ferrall [1859] IELawRpEq 71   flag 

(1859-1860) 10 ICh R 183
Irish Chancery Reports (2nd series)
Court of Chancery
Republic of Ireland
21st November, 1859

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Attorney-General v Vigor 8 Ves 256 United Kingdom flag 18
Cook versus Gerrard [1845] EngR 40; 1 Saund 180; 85 ER 177; 28 Salk 239; 1 Lev 21; 2 Vent 285; 2 Keb 206 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag 46
Ford v Ford [1848] EngR 395; 67 ER 1256; (1848) 6 Hare 486 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1848 CommonLII flag 3
Viscountess Dowager Falkland,-Appellant; Lytton Lytton, ,-Respondents [1708] EngR 48; 1 ER 1152; (1708) 3 Bro Parl Cas 24 United Kingdom circa 1708 CommonLII flag 1
1 Lev 212 1 Lev 212 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 9
3 Ijns 229 3 IJNS 229 Republic of Ireland flag 1

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