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Transvaal Consolidated Land and Exploration Co, Ltd, v Registrar of Companies [1910] ZATransvLawRpPD 116   flag 

(1910) 1 TPD 1247
Transvaal Provincial Division Decisions
South Africa - Transvaal
30th November, 1910

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Coetzeestroom Estate and G M Co v Registrar of Deeds 1902 TS 216 South Africa - Transvaal circa 1902 flag 23
Miller's Dale and Ash Wood Dale Lime Co, In re [1885] UKLawRpCh 271; 31 Ch D 211 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 11 Dec 1885 CommonLII flag 4
Re Railway Sleepers Supply Co [1885] UKLawRpCh 120; (1885) 29 Ch D 204; 1 TLR 399 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 16 Apr 1885 CommonLII flag 28
Scadding v Lorant [1851] EngR 699; 10 ER 164; (1851) 3 HLCas 418 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1851 CommonLII flag 38
Cregoe v Bezuidenhout 4 Off Rep 95 South Africa - Transvaal flag 1

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