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(1921) 37 TLR 296; (1921) 124 LT 319   flag  4

(1921) 37 TLR 296; (1921) 124 LT 319
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Springvale Washed Sand Pty Ltd v City of Springvale [1969] VicRp 101; [1969] VR 784; (1968) 20 LGRA 118 Australia - Victoria 4 Nov 1968 AustLII flag 11
Cam and Sons Pty Ltd v Ramsay [1960] HCA 82; (1960) 104 CLR 247; [1961] ALR 227; 34 ALJR 349 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Nov 1960 AustLII flag 24

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"A tax by any other name " (1993) 18 (4) Alternative Law Journal 193 Tsaknis, Leo Australia circa 1993 AustLII flag
"Police shootings: Charges laid" (1993) 18 (4) Alternative Law Journal 195 McCulloch, Jude Australia circa 1993 AustLII flag

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