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Phelps v Western Mining Corporation Ltd   flag  46

(1978) 33 FLR 327; 20 ALR 183

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
South East Forest Rescue Inc v Forestry Corporation of New South Wales (No 2) [2024] NSWCA 113 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 16 May 2024 AustLII flag 4
Filetron Pty Ltd v Innovate Partners Pty Ltd atf Banton Family Trust 2 and Goulburn Mulwaree Council [2024] NSWCA 41 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 29 Feb 2024 AustLII flag 1
KEPCO Bylong Australia Pty Ltd v Independent Planning Commission [2020] NSWLEC 38 Land and Environment Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 29 Apr 2020 AustLII flag 2
Gill v Ethicon S à rl (No 5) [2019] FCA 1905 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Nov 2019 AustLII flag 34
Gill v Ethicon S Á RL [2018] FCA 470 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 9 Apr 2018 AustLII flag 6
Murphy v Victoria [2014] VSCA 236 Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal Australia - Victoria 24 Sep 2014 AustLII flag 4
No TasWind Farm Group Inc v Hydro-Electric Corporation (No 1) [2014] FCA 347 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 5 Feb 2014 AustLII flag 3
Minister for Disability Services v People With a Disability Inc (CSD) [2010] NSWADTAP 44 Administrative Decisions Tribunal Australia - New South Wales 18 Jun 2010 AustLII flag 12
Blackman v Gant [2010] VSC 109 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 31 Mar 2010 AustLII flag 1
"Table of Cases" [2009] ELECD 40 Edited Legal Collections Data Australia circa 2009 AustLII flag
Sydney Catchment Authority v Bailey [2006] NSWLEC 616; (2006) 149 LGERA 298; (2006) 164 A Crim R 263 Land and Environment Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 29 Sep 2006 AustLII flag 4
Hussein v Secretary of the Department of Immigration & Multicultural Affairs (No 2) [2006] FCA 1263; (2006) 155 FCR 304; 92 ALD 89; (2006) 157 IR 405 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Sep 2006 AustLII flag 5
St George Soccer Football Association Inc v Soccer NSW Ltd [2005] NSWSC 1288 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 13 Dec 2005 AustLII flag 3
Smibert Group Transport Pty Ltd v Clifford [2005] SADC 80 District Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia 8 Jul 2005 AustLII flag 2
Abacus Funds Management Ltd v Nethurst Pty Ltd [2003] QCA 423; [2004] 1 Qd R 459; [2003] ATPR 41-964 Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal Australia - Queensland 26 Sep 2003 AustLII flag 1
Cauvin [2003] NSWSC 631 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 1 Aug 2003 AustLII flag 5
Ghantos v Hawkesbury City Council S69/1999 [2000] HCATrans 513 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Sep 2000 AustLII flag
Brodie v Singleton Shire Council S44/1999 [2000] HCATrans 511 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Sep 2000 AustLII flag
Kanak v Minister for Land & Water Conservation [2000] FCA 1105; (2000) 106 FCR 31; (2000) 180 ALR 489; (2000) 110 LGERA 23 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 9 Aug 2000 AustLII flag 12
Truth About Motorways Pty Ltd v Macquarie Infrastructure Investment Management Ltd [2000] HCA 11; (2000) 200 CLR 591; (2000) 169 ALR 616; (2000) 74 ALJR 604; [2000] ATPR 41-757; (2000) 21 Leg Rep 2 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 9 Mar 2000 AustLII flag 311
Truth About Motorways Pty Ltd v Macquarie Infrastructure Investment Management Ltd S186/1998 [1999] HCATrans 300 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Sep 1999 AustLII flag
Dalecoast Pty Ltd v Guardian International Pty Ltd [1999] WASC 11 Supreme Court of Western Australia Australia - Western Australia 22 Apr 1999 AustLII flag 5
NSW Cancer Council v Commissioner of Taxation [1999] FCA 411 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Apr 1999 AustLII flag
Oshlack v Richmond River Council [1998] HCA 11; (1998) 193 CLR 72; (1998) 152 ALR 83; (1998) 72 ALJR 578; (1998) 96 LGERA 173; [1998] 4 Leg Rep 18 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 25 Feb 1998 AustLII flag 3664
Oshlack v Richmond River Council S208/1996 [1997] HCATrans 235 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Aug 1997 AustLII flag
Registrar General v Gill [1994] NSWCA 261 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 16 Aug 1994 AustLII flag 8
Oshlack v Richmond River Council [1994] NSWLEC 20 Land and Environment Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 25 Feb 1994 AustLII flag 1
Tobacco Institute of Australia Ltd v Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations Inc [1988] FCA 373; (1988) 19 FCR 469; (1988) 84 ALR 337; [1988] ATPR 40-916; 12 IPR 499 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Oct 1988 AustLII flag 36
Re Merman Pty Ltd v Cockburn Cement Ltd and Swan Portland Cement Ltd [1988] FCA 360 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Oct 1988 AustLII flag
Re United States Tobacco Co v the Minister of Consumer Affairs and the Trade Practices Commission [1988] FCA 241 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Jul 1988 AustLII flag
Re Aci Australia Ltd v Glamour Glaze Pty Ltd; Alex Vasiljevich; Steven Vasiljevich (Snr); Steven Vasiljevich (Jnr) and Sylvia Vasiljevich [1988] FCA 126 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 22 Apr 1988 AustLII flag
Re Orison Pty Ltd v Strategic Minerals Corporation Nl; Peter Gullan Cross; John Swire-Thompson; Asha Capital Corporation Ltd and Asha Energy Pty Ltd [1987] FCA 263 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 Aug 1987 AustLII flag
Re Rev Fr Walter Ogle and Rev Fr John O'Neill v Janet Strickland, At All Material Times Chief Censor of the Censorship Board Constituted Pursuant To the Customs (Cinematograph Films) Regulations 1956 and Kenneth Bardon; David Haines; Graham Wood; D [1987] FCA 36 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 13 Feb 1987 AustLII flag
"Appeals to the Land and Environment Court" [1987] UNSWLawTD 1 Barker, John Australia circa 1987 AustLII flag
Re John William Jackson v Sterling Industries Ltd (Receivers and Managers Appointed) [1986] FCA 343 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 Oct 1986 AustLII flag 1
Re Lawrence Noel Gibbins; Marlene June Gibbins and Dale Stehr Baker v the Australian Meat Industry Employees Union; Arthur Bird; John Kenneth Brunt; Walter F Curran; Bert Hutchins; Jack O'Toole and Thomas Borthwick and Sons (Pacific) Ltd [1986] FCA 199 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 25 Jun 1986 AustLII flag
Re Australian Transport Insurance Pty Ltd and Raymond Bertram Bartlett (Applicants); Joseph Francis Mcneany, Christopher Frank Alderton, Mary Rogers and Les Clarke (Cross-Respondents) v Graeme Philips Road Transport Insurances Ptu Ltd and Graeme Ph [1985] FCA 481 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 Dec 1985 AustLII flag
Universal Telecasters (Qld) Ltd v Ainsworth Consolidated Industries Ltd [1983] FCA 195; 78 FLR 16; [1983] ATPR 40-384; 1 IPR 260 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 19 Aug 1983 AustLII flag 9
Glorie v WA Chip & Pulp Co Pty Ltd [1981] FCA 224; (1981) 39 ALR 67; 55 FLR 310; 1 TPR 84 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Dec 1981 AustLII flag 40
Australian Conservation Foundation Inc v Commonwealth [1980] HCA 53; (1980) 146 CLR 493 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 13 Feb 1980 AustLII flag 48
Mcdonald'S System of Australia Pty Ltd v Mcwilliam'S Wines Pty Ltd (No 2) [1979] FCA 109; 28 ALR 236; (1979) 41 FLR 436; [1979] ATPR 40-140 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Dec 1979 AustLII flag 27
Mcdonald'S System of Australia Pty Ltd v Mcwilliam'S Wines Pty Ltd (No 2) [1979] FCA 109; 28 ALR 236; (1979) 41 FLR 436; [1979] ATPR 40-140 Australia 21 Dec 1979 AustLII flag 1

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Table of Cases" [2009] ELECD 40 Edited Legal Collections Data Australia circa 2009 AustLII flag
"Access to Justice in Environmental Law - An Australian Perspective" [2005] NSWJSchol 13 McClellan, Justice PD Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag
"Class Actions in the Federal Court of Australia - The Story So Far" (2004) 10 Canterbury Law Review 229 Morabito, Vince New Zealand circa 2004 NZLII flag
"Talking about Social Responsibility: Liability for Misleading & (and) Deceptive Statements in Corporate Codes of Conduct" (2003) 29 Monash University Law Review 297 Spencer, Tamieka Australia circa 2003 AustLII flag 1
"Appeals to the Land and Environment Court" [1987] UNSWLawTD 1 Barker, John Australia circa 1987 AustLII flag
"Advertising Regulation in Australia" (1982-1983) 8 Adelaide Law Review 29 Blakeney, Michael; Barnes, Shenagh Australia circa 1983 AustLII flag

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