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Gregory v Philip Morris Ltd   flag  23

(1987) 77 ALR 79
Australian Law Reports

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Ms Preeti Devi v Doutta Galla Aged Services Ltd [2018] FWC 4142 Fair Work Commission Australia 2 Nov 2018 AustLII flag
Bennett v ISS Security Pty Ltd [2016] FWC 5386 Fair Work Commission Australia 18 Aug 2016 AustLII flag
Toms v Harbour City Ferries Pty Ltd [2015] FCAFC 35; (2015) 229 FCR 537; (2015) 321 ALR 224; (2015) 248 IR 101 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 16 Mar 2015 AustLII flag 66
Rucker v Stewart [2013] QSC 182 Supreme Court of Queensland Australia - Queensland 19 Jul 2013 AustLII flag 5
Quinn v Overland [2010] FCA 799; (2010) 199 IR 40 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 Jul 2010 AustLII flag 77
Howe v Qantas Airways Ltd [2004] FMCA 242; (2004) 188 FLR 1; [2004] EOC 93-359 Federal Magistrates Court of Australia Australia 15 Oct 2004 AustLII flag 28
Workcover Queensland vTomasich [2002] QIC 42; 170 QGIG 464 Queensland Industrial Court Australia - Queensland 13 Aug 2002 AustLII flag
McCormick v Riverwood International (Australia) Pty Ltd [1999] FCA 1640; (1999) 167 ALR 689 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 26 Nov 1999 AustLII flag 39
Saarinen v University of Tasmania [1997] TASSC 125; (1997) 76 IR 273; (1997) 7 Tas R 154 Supreme Court of Tasmania Australia - Tasmania 27 Oct 1997 AustLII flag 8
Christie v Qantas Airways Ltd (No2) [1996] IRCA 276; (1996) 138 ALR 19; [1996] EOC 92-827; (1996) 68 IR 248 Industrial Relations Court of Australia Australia 14 Jun 1996 AustLII flag 19
Ryan (Receiver & Manager of Homfray Carpets Australia Pty Ltd) v Textile Clothing & Footwear Union Australia [1996] VicRp 67; [1996] 2 VR 235; (1996) 130 FLR 313; (1996) 66 IR 258; (1996) 14 ACLC 555 Australia - Victoria 13 Mar 1996 AustLII flag 117
Gooley v Westpac Banking Corporation [1995] IRCA 658; (1995) 129 ALR 628; (1995) 59 IR 262 Industrial Relations Court of Australia Australia 1 Dec 1995 AustLII flag 55
Southern Copper Ltd Redundancy Award [1995] NSWIRComm 9 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 15 Feb 1995 AustLII flag
Association of Professional Engineers Scientists and Managers Australia (Apesma) and Neil Stephenson v Skilled Engineering Pty Ltd [1994] IRCA 5 Industrial Relations Court of Australia Australia 10 Jun 1994 AustLII flag
Byrne v Australian Airlines Ltd [1994] FCA 888; (1994) 47 FCR 300; (1994) 120 ALR 274 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Feb 1994 AustLII flag 143
Denton v Wakefield Memorial Hospital [1993] SAIRComm 26 South Australian Industrial Relations Commission Australia - South Australia 26 Feb 1993 AustLII flag
Wheeler v Philip Morris Ltd [1989] FCA 230; (1989) 97 ALR 282 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Jun 1989 AustLII flag 70
Barnes v Australian Telecommunications Commission [1989] FCA 47; (1989) 25 FCR 283 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Mar 1989 AustLII flag 12

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Federal collective bargaining after Electrolux" (2006) 34 Federal Law Review 45 Harris, J Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag 4
"Remedies for Unfair Dismissal under the Workplace Relations Act 1996 - A Fair Go All Round" (2001) 1 Macquarie Law Journal 173 Wheelright, Karen Australia circa 2001 AustLII flag 1
"Relevance of European Community Law in Australian Courts, The" (1993-1994) 19 Melbourne University Law Review 431 Vranken, Martin Australia circa 1994 AustLII flag 3
"Dismissals and the Federal Conciliation and Arbitration System" (1989) 18 (3) Federal Law Review 153 McDonagh, Maeve Australia circa 1989 AustLII flag
"New Directions in the Law of Employment Termination" (1989) 1 (2) Bond Law Review 233 Stewart, Andrew Australia circa 1989 AustLII flag

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