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Matching Law Journal Articles: 88

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
"Currents in Contemporary Ethics" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 303 Nanette R Elster, M Gabriela Alcalde United States circa 2003 flag 1
"Using Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis to Create a Stem Cell Donor: Issues, Guidelines & limits" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 327 Susan M Wolf, Jeffrey P Kahn, John E Wagner United States circa 2003 flag 1
"Achieving the Right Balance in Oversight of Physician Opioid Prescribing for Pain: The Role of State Medical Boards" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 21 Diane E Hoffmann, Anita J Tarzian United States circa 2003 flag 1
"Challenges in the Federal Regulation of Pain Management Technologies" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 55 Lars Noah United States circa 2003 flag
"Maximizing the Value of Electronic Prescription Monitoring Programs" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 41 David B Brushwood United States circa 2003 flag
"Monitoring and Investigating Certified Registered Nurse Practitioners in Pain Management" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 101 Jean B Lazarus, Belinda (Wendy) Downing United States circa 2003 flag
"Pain Relief, Prescription Drugs, and Prosecution: A Four-State Survey of Chief Prosecutors" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 75 Stephen J Ziegler, Nicholas P Lovrich, Jr United States circa 2003 flag
"A Comparative Study of the Law of Palliative Care and End-of-Life Treatment" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 130 Danuta Mendelson, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost United States circa 2003 flag
"Improving State Medical Board Policies: Influence of a Model" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 119 Aaron M Gilson, David E Joranson, Martha A Maurer United States circa 2003 flag
"Currents in Contemporary Ethics" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 149 T Howard Stone United States circa 2003 flag
"Aids and Antiretroviral Drugs in South Africa: Public Health, Politics, and Individual Suffering: A Review of Brian Tilley's It's My Life" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 144 Barbara A Noah United States circa 2003 flag
"Prenatal Care: Revisions to Schip Extend Health Care to "Unborn Children"" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 155 Valerie Gutmann United States circa 2003 flag
"Criminal Law: Physician Convicted for Recklessly Prescribing OxyContin" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 154 Kathleen Romanow United States circa 2003 flag
"Medicare: Ninth Circuit Limits Rates Providers Can Charge Medigap Insurers" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 159 Ed Caldie United States circa 2003 flag
"Managed Care: Health Providers'Bill of Rights Now Law in California" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 157 Bryan Lee United States circa 2003 flag
"Tobacco Litigation: Statistics Permitted for Proof of Causation and Damages in Class Action" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 161 David M Dudzinski United States circa 2003 flag
"Managed Care: Immunity for Peer Review Under Hcqia" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 160 Kaley Klanica United States circa 2003 flag
"Ada: Isolated Bouts of Depression Do Not Qualify as a Disability" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 165 Mayelin Prieto-Gonzalez United States circa 2003 flag
"Public Health: Smoking Ban Exceeds Board of Health's Authority" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 163 Sam Lockner United States circa 2003 flag
"Emtala: Screening Can Satisfy Emtala, Despite Misdiagnosis" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 169 Hemanth Gundavaram United States circa 2003 flag
"Employment: Protecting Public Health Abrogates Due Process Requirement for Suspension Proceedings" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 167 Guillermo A Montero United States circa 2003 flag
"Letter to the Editor" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 182 Deborah Hellman United States circa 2003 flag
"The Society Page" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 171 MC Sullivan United States circa 2003 flag
"The (Alternative Medicalization of Life)" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 191 Lawrence J Schneiderman United States circa 2003 flag
"Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Foundations, Ethics, and Law" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 183 Robert M Sade United States circa 2003 flag
"Modern Western Science as a Standard for Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Critical Appraisal" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 213 Ruiping Fan United States circa 2003 flag
"Evaluating Complementary and Alternative Medicine: The Limits of Science and of Scientists" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 198 David J Hufford United States circa 2003 flag
"Eliminating Scope of Practice and Licensing Laws to Improve Health Care" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 236 Randall G Holcombe United States circa 2003 flag
"A Dose of Our Own Medicine: Alternative Medicine, Conventional Medicine, and the Standards of Science" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 222 E Haavi Morreim United States circa 2003 flag
"National Policy on Cam: The White House Commission Report" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 251 Kathleen M Boozang United States circa 2003 flag
"Informed Consent, Shared Decision-Making, and Complementary and Alternative Medicine" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 247 Jeremy Sugarman United States circa 2003 flag
"Too Many Twins, Triplets, Quadruplets, and So On: A Call for New Priorities" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 272 Carson Strong United States circa 2003 flag
"Resisting a Genetic Identity: The Black Seminoles and Genetic Tests of Ancestry" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 262 Josephine Johnston United States circa 2003 flag
"In Whose Interest? Current Issues in Communicating Personal Health Information: A Canadian Perspective" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 292 Mark Weitz, Neil Drummond, Dorothy Pringle, Lorraine E Ferris, Judith Globerman, Philip Hébert, C Shawn Tracy, Carole Cohen United States circa 2003 flag
"The Legal, Ethical, and Practical Implications of Noncompetition Clauses: What Physicians Should Know Before They Sign" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 283 Derek W Loeser United States circa 2003 flag
"Public Health: Bush's Smallpox Vaccination Plan" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 312 Jennifer Gray United States circa 2003 flag
"Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Failure to Cover Does Not Violate Ada, Title Vii, or Pda" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 314 Valerie Gutmann United States circa 2003 flag
"Punitive Damages: Court Orders Two-Thirds to Go to State University Cancer Research Program" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 308 Meleah A Geertsma United States circa 2003 flag
"Substance Abuse During Pregnancy: Clinical and Public Health Approaches" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 340 Philip H Jos, Martin Perlmutter, Mary Faith Marshall United States circa 2003 flag
"Providing Subsidies and Incentives for Norplant, Sterilization and Other Contraception: Allowing Economic Theory to Inform Ethical Analysis" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 351 Jane Gilbert Mauldon United States circa 2003 flag
"Child Welfare: Court May Determine Whether Life-Sustaining Treatment Should Be Withdrawn" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 316 Brooke A Schneider United States circa 2003 flag
"Human Rights and Genetic Discrimination: Protecting Genomics'Promise For Public Health" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 377 Anita Silvers, Michael Ashley Stein United States circa 2003 flag
"Discourse Ethics as an Ethics of Responsibility: Comparison and Evaluation of citizen Involvement in Population Genomics" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 390 Éric Racine United States circa 2003 flag
"The Human Subjects Trade: Ethical and Legal Issues Surrounding Recruitment Incentives" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 398 Trudo Lemmens, Paul B Miller United States circa 2003 flag
"End-of-Life Care: Forensic Medicine v Palliative Medicine" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 365 Joseph P Pestaner United States circa 2003 flag
"The Use of Medical Records in Research: What Do Patients Want?" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 429 Nancy E Kass, Marvin R Natowicz, Sara Chandros Hull, Ruth R Faden, Laura Plantinga, Lawrence O Gostin, Julia Slutsman United States circa 2003 flag
"The French Law on "Protection of Persons Undergoing Biomedical Research": Implications for the US " (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 434 Ivan Berlin, David A Gorelick United States circa 2003 flag
"A Pilot Survey on the Licensing of Dna Inventions" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 442 Michelle R Henry, Mildred K Cho, Meredith A Weaver, Jon F Merz United States circa 2003 flag
"Research-Related Injury: Problems and Solutions" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 419 Larry D Scott United States circa 2003 flag
"Informed Consent: Hospitals Must Obtain Informed Consent Prior to Drug Testing Pregnant Patients" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 455 Katherine Gehringer United States circa 2003 flag
"Child Safety: Homicide by Child Abuse: South Carolina Upholds Conviction Under "Crack Mom" Law" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 457 Marcella Smith United States circa 2003 flag
"Drug Labeling: Fda Requires New Label for Antibiotics To Prevent Overuse" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 458 Devesh Tiwary United States circa 2003 flag
"Currents in Contemporary Ethics" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 450 Mary R Anderlik, Mark A Rothstein United States circa 2003 flag
"The Society Page" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 463 Benjamin W Moulton United States circa 2003 flag
"Emerging Issues in Population Health: National and Global Perspectives: A Tribute to Gene W Matthews" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 476 Lawrence O Gostin United States circa 2003 flag
"Public Health Law, 2002–2003: Year of Achievement" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 482 Julie L Gerberding, Anthony D Moulton, Richard A Goodman, Montrece McNeill Ransom United States circa 2003 flag
"In Memorium: Tribute to Dorothy Wertz" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 461 John Fletcher United States circa 2003 flag
"Partners: Discernment and Humanitarian Efforts in Settings of Violence" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 506 Nicole Gastineau Campos, Paul Farmer United States circa 2003 flag
"War, Terrorism, and Public Health" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 516 Victor W Sidel, Barry S Levy United States circa 2003 flag
"Commentary : When Terrorism Threatens Health: How Far Are Limitations on Human Rights Justified" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 524 Lawrence O Gostin United States circa 2003 flag
"Sars: Political Pathology of the First Post-Westphalian Pathogen" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 485 David P Fidler United States circa 2003 flag
"International Trade, Law, and Public Health Advocacy" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 546 Jason W Sapsin, Theresa M Thompson, Lesley Stone, Katherine E DeLand United States circa 2003 flag
"Public Health and the Built Environment: Historical, Empirical, and Theoretical Foundations for an Expanded Role" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 557 Wendy C Perdue, Lawrence O Gostin, Lesley A Stone United States circa 2003 flag
"Technologies to Detect Concealed Weapons: Fourth Amendment Limits on a New Public Health and Law Enforcement Tool" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 567 Jon S Vernick, Matthew W Pierce, Daniel W Webster, Sara B Johnson, Shannon Frattaroli United States circa 2003 flag
"Health Policy and the Wto" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 529 M Gregg Bloche, Elizabeth R Jungman United States circa 2003 flag
"Finding a Way Through the Hospital Door: The Role of Emtala in Public Health Emergencies" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 590 Sara Rosenbaum, Brian Kamoie United States circa 2003 flag
"New Hope for Victims of Prison Sexual Assault" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 602 Julie Samia Mair, Shannon Frattaroli, Stephen P Teret United States circa 2003 flag
"Commentary Populations and the Law: The Changing Scope of Health Policy" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 607 Daniel M Fox United States circa 2003 flag
""R of Terrors" Revisited: The Smallpox Vaccination Campaign and Its Lessons for Future Biopreparedness1" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 580 Cynthia P Schneider, Michael D McDonald United States circa 2003 flag
"The Myth of Exceptionalism: The History of Venereal Disease Reporting in the Twentieth Century" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 624 Amy L Fairchild, James Colgrove, Ronald Bayer United States circa 2003 flag
"Applying the Common Rule to Public Health Agencies: Questions and Tentative Answers About a Separate Regulatory Regime" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 638 Scott Burris, James Buehler, Zita Lazzarini United States circa 2003 flag
"The Role of State Law in Protecting Human Subjects of Public Health Research and Practice" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 654 Scott Burris, Lance Gable, Lesley Stone, Zita Lazzarini United States circa 2003 flag
"Dealing with Humpty Dumpty: Research, Practice, and the Ethics of Public Health Surveillance" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 615 Amy L Fairchild United States circa 2003 flag
"What Is Public Health Legal Preparedness?" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 672 Anthony D Moulton, Richard N Gottfried, Richard A Goodman, Anne M Murphy, Raymond D Rawson United States circa 2003 flag
"Forensic Epidemiology: Law at the Intersection of Public Health and Criminal Investigations" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 684 Richard A Goodman, Judith W Munson, Kim Dammers, Zita Lazzarini, John P Barkley United States circa 2003 flag
"Public Health Literacy for Lawyers" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 701 Wendy E Parmet, Anthony Robbins United States circa 2003 flag
"Health Information Privacy and Public Health" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 663 James G Hodge, Jr United States circa 2003 flag
"Currents in Contemporary Ethics" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 721 Sharona Hoffman, Andrew P Morriss United States circa 2003 flag
"Fast Food Fighters Fall Flak Plaintiffs Fail to Establish that McDonalds should be Liable for Obesity-related Illnesses" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 725 Ben Falit United States circa 2003 flag
"Kentucky Association of Health Plans, Inc v Miller" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 729 Valerie Gutmann United States circa 2003 flag
"News The public Health hw Association: A New Partnership in Public Health Practice" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 714 Robert M Pestronk, Cynthia Honssinger, Montrece Ransom United States circa 2003 flag
"Second Circuit Permits State Malpractice Suit against Hmo" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 734 Anna Lumelsky United States circa 2003 flag
"Supreme Court Limits Permissible Scope of Government's Ability to Force Medication of Mentally Ill Defendants" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 737 Mayelin Prieto-Gonzalez United States circa 2003 flag
"Announcement" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 740 Benjamin W Moulton, Kathleen M Boozang, Edward J Hutchinson United States circa 2003 flag
"Using Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis to Create a Stem Cell donor: Issues, Guidelines & Limits" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 3 Wolf, S , Kahn, J & Wagner, J United States circa 2003 flag
"Letter to the Editor" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 5 Howard Mann, Benjamin Djulbegovic, Paul Gold United States circa 2003 flag
"Providing Relief to Those in Pain: A Retrospective on the Scholarship and Impact of the Mayday Project" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 15 Sandra H Johnson United States circa 2003 flag
"Healthcare Reimbursement: Hmo Arbitration Clause Enforced" (2003) 31 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 731 Carly Kelly United States circa 2003 flag

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