"Heightened Security: The Need to Incorporate Articles 3bis(l)(a) and 8bis(5)(e) of the 2005 Draft Sua Protocol into Part Vii of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 107
Caitlin A Harrington
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"The 2006 Revisions to Japan's Equal Opportunity Employment Law: A Narrow Approach to a Pervasive Problem"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 551
Megan L Starich
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"Judgment on Unfair Competition Dispute Between Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Ltd Co and Beijing 3721 Technology Ltd Co "
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 63
Translated by Pengyue Li
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"Customary International Humanitarian Law and Multinational Military Operations in Malaysia"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 79
Drew R Atkins
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"Ending the Silence: Thai H-2A Workers, Recruitment Fees, and the Fair Labor Standards Act"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 167
Andrea L Schmitt
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"The Marriage Amendment Act: Can Australia Prohibit Same-Sex Marriage?"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 137
Katy A King
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"The Persecutor Bar in US Immigration Law: Toward a More Nuanced Understanding of Modern "Persecution" in the Case of Forced Abortion and Female Genital Cutting"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 227
Lori K Walls
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"Controlling Business Method Patents: How the Japanese Standard for Patenting Software Could Bring Reasonable Limitations to Business Method Patents in the United States"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 197
James S Sfekas
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"Comparing Foreign Investment in China, Post-Wto Accession, with Foreign Investment in the United States, Post-9/11"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 285
Jordan Brandt
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"Establishing Secondary Liability with a Higher Degree of Culpability: Redefining Chinese Internet Copyright Law to Encourage Technology Development"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 257
Yiman Zhang
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"The Korea Fair Trade Commission's Decision on Microsoft's Tying Practice: The Second-Best Remedy for Harmed Competitors"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 375
Sejin Kim
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"When Are There More Laws? When Do They Matter? Using Game Theory to Compare Laws, Power Distribution, and Legal Environments in the United States and China"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 335
Ji Li
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"China's Practice of Procuring Organs from Executed Prisoners: Human Rights Groups Must Narrowly Tailor Their Criticism and Endorse the Chinese Constitution to End Abuses"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 431
Joan E Hemphill
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"What Impact Will the Revised Trade Union Law of China Have on Foreign Business?"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 405
Zana Z Bugaighis
United States
circa 2007
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"Korea's New Prostitution Policy: Overcoming Challenges to Effectuate the Legislature's Intent to Protect Prostitutes from Abuse"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 493
Ji Hye Kim
United States
circa 2007
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"The International Law Exception to the Act of State Doctrine: Redressing Human Rights Abuses in Papua New Guinea"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 459
Joshua Gregory Holt
United States
circa 2007
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"Transitional Justice in Korea: Legally Coping with Past Wrongs After Democratization"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 579
Kuk Cho
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circa 2007
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"When the Price Is Too High: Rethinking China's Deterrence Strategy for Robbery"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 525
Peter D Nestor
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circa 2007
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"Bortz v Suzuki, Judgment of October 12, 1999, Hamamatsu Branch, Shizuoka District Court"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 631
Timothy Webster
United States
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"In the Wake of Sakhalin Ii: How Non-Governmental Administration of Natural Resources Could Strengthen Russia's Energy Sector"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 669
Nowell David and Beckett Bamberger
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circa 2007
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"The Nireco Poison Pill: The Impact of a Court Injunction"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 613
Christopher J Kodama
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"A Condom Versus the Philippine Aids Prevention and Control Act of 1998: Which Has Holes Leaving Filipinos Unprotected?"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 725
David M Iseminger
United States
circa 2007
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"Extending the Reach of the Chinese Labor Law: How Does the Supreme People's Court's 2006 Interpretation Transform Labor Dispute Resolution?"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 753
Jill E Monnin
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"Intellectual Property Rights and the Public Sector: Why Compulsory Licensing of Protected Technologies Critical for Food Security Might Just Work in China"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 699
Gregory C Ellis
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circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"The Applicability of the Consumer Protection Law in Medical Malpractice Disputes in Taiwan"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 805
Ya-Ling Wu
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circa 2007
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"Introduction to the New Co Law of the People's Republic of China"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 1
Steven M Dickinson
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"Perverse Main Bank Rescue in the Lost Decade: Proof That Unique Institutional Incentives Drive Japanese Corporate Governance"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 13
Dan W Puchniak
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"No Refills: The Intellectual Property High Court Decision in Canon v Recycle Assist Will Negatively Impact the Printer Ink Cartridge Recycling Industry in Japan"
(2007) 16 Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal 775
Scott M Tobias
United States
circa 2007
HeinOnline / LexisNexis