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Matching Law Journal Articles: 91

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
"Introduction: Religions and Cultures of East and West: Perspectives on Bioethics" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 7 Robert M Sade United States circa 2008 flag
"Go and Tend the Earth: A Jewish View on an Enhanced World" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 10 Laurie Zoloth United States circa 2008 flag
""Enhancing Life?" Perspectives from Traditional Chinese Value-Systems" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 26 Russell Kirkland United States circa 2008 flag
"Enhancement Technologies and the Person: Christian Perspectives" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 41 Andrew Lustig United States circa 2008 flag
""Hindu" Bioethics?" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 51 Deepak Sarma United States circa 2008 flag
"Enhancement Technologies and the Person: An Islamic View" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 59 Shahid Athar United States circa 2008 flag
"Enhancement and Desire: Japanese Qualms about Where Biotechnology is Taking Us" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 65 William R LaFleur United States circa 2008 flag
"Hormone Therapy, Dilemmas, Medical Decisions" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 73 Jay Schulkin United States circa 2008 flag
"The Current Medical School Education in Bioethics, Health Law, and Health Economics" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 89 Govind C Persad, Linden Elder, Laura Sedig, Leonardo Flores, and Ezekiel J Emanuel United States circa 2008 flag
"What Is Medical Ethics Consultation?" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 95 Giles R Scofield United States circa 2008 flag
"The Polst (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) Paradigm to Improve End-of-Life Care: Potential State Legal Barriers to Implementation" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 119 Susan E Hickman, Charles P Sabatino, Alvin H Moss, and Jessica Wehrle Nester United States circa 2008 flag
"LabCorp v Metabolite Laboratories: The Supreme Court Listens, but Declines to Speak" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 141 Roger D Klein and Maurice J Mahoney United States circa 2008 flag
"Race, Religion, and Informed Consent - Lessons from Social Science" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 150 Dayna Bowen Matthew United States circa 2008 flag
"Currents in Contemporary Ethics" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 174 Mark A Rothstein United States circa 2008 flag 1
"Teaching Health Law" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 179 Paul Frisch, Randall L Hughes, and Joan B Killgore United States circa 2008 flag
"Reviews in Medical Ethics" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 184 Judith F Daar United States circa 2008 flag
"Recent Developments in Health Law" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 191 Won Bok Lee, Carmel Shachar, and Peter Chang United States circa 2008 flag
"Introduction: The Challenge of Incidental Findings" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 216 Susan M Wolf United States circa 2008 flag
"Managing Incidental Findings in Human Subjects Research: Analysis and Recommendations" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 219 Susan M Wolf, Frances P Lawrenz, Charles A Nelson, Jeffrey P Kahn, Mildred K Cho, Ellen Wright Clayton, Joel G Fletcher, Michael K Georgieff, Dale Hammerschmidt, Kathy Hudson, Judy Illes, Vivek Kapur, Moira A Keane, Barbara A Koenig, Bonnie S LeRoy, Elizabeth G McFarland, Jordan Paradise, Lisa S Parker, Sharon F Terry, Brian Van Ness, and Benjamin S Wilfond United States circa 2008 flag 1
"Empirical Analysis of Current Approaches to Incidental Findings" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 249 Frances Lawrenz and Suzanne Sobotka United States circa 2008 flag
"Incidental Findings and Ancillary-Care Obligations" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 256 Henry S Richardson United States circa 2008 flag
"Incidental Findings in Human Subjects Research: What Do Investigators Owe Research Participants?" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 271 Franklin G Miller, Michelle M Mello, and Steven Joffe United States circa 2008 flag
"Understanding Incidental Findings in the Context of Genetics and Genomics" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 280 Mildred K Cho United States circa 2008 flag
"Incidental Findings in Genetics Research Using Archived Dna" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 286 Ellen Wright Clayton United States circa 2008 flag 1
"Genomic Research and Incidental Findings" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 292 Brian Van Ness United States circa 2008 flag
"Bridging Philosophical and Practical Implications of Incidental Findings in Brain Research" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 298 Judy Illes and Vivian Nora Chin United States circa 2008 flag
"The Risks and Benefits of Searching for Incidental Findings in Mri Research Scans" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 305 Jason M Royal and Bradley S Peterson United States circa 2008 flag
"Incidental Findings in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) Brain Research" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 315 Charles A Nelson United States circa 2008 flag
"Incidental Findings in Ct Colonography: Literature Review and Survey of Current Research Practice" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 320 Hassan Siddiki, J G Fletcher, Beth McFarland, Nora Dajani, Nicholas Orme, Barbara Koenig, Marguerite Strobel, and Susan M Wolf United States circa 2008 flag
"Incidental Findings in Pediatric Research" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 332 Benjamin S Wilfond, Katherine J Carpenter United States circa 2008 flag
"The Future of Incidental Findings: Should They be Viewed as Benefits?" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 341 Lisa S Parker United States circa 2008 flag
"Institutional Review Board Approaches to the Incidental Findings Problem" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 352 Moira A Keane United States circa 2008 flag
"Research Malpractice and the Issue of Incidental Findings" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 356 Alan C Milstein United States circa 2008 flag
"The Law of Incidental Findings in Human Subjects Research: Establishing Researchers' Duties" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 361 Susan M Wolf, Jordan Paradise, and Charlisse Caga-anan United States circa 2008 flag
"Assessing Mandatory Hpv Vaccination: Who Should Call the Shots?" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 384 Gail Javitt, Deena Berkowitz, and Lawrence O Gostin United States circa 2008 flag
"Reactions of Potential Jurors to a Hypothetical Malpractice Suit Alleging Failure to Perform a Prostate-Specific Antigen Test" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 396 Michael J Barry, Pamela H Wescott, Ellen J Reifler, Yuchaio Chang, and Benjamin W Moulton United States circa 2008 flag
"Preemption of Local Smoke-Free Air Ordinances: The Implications of Judicial Opinions for Meeting National Health Objectives" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 403 Jean C O'Connor, Allison MacNeil, Jamie F Chriqui, Michael Tynan, Hannalori Bates, and Shelby K S Eidson United States circa 2008 flag
"Currents in Contemporary Ethics Ethical and Practical Concerns in Developing Payment Policies for Research Involving Children and Adolescents" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 413 Ana S Iltis, Hisako Matsuo, Shannon R DeVader United States circa 2008 flag
"Reviews in Medical Ethics What the Doctor Didn't Say: The Hidden Truth about Medical Research by Jerry Menikoff and Edward P Richards" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 419 Ana S Iltis United States circa 2008 flag
"Recent Developments in Health Law" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 425 Paul Bailin, Elizabeth Gerber, and Sharon Jacobs United States circa 2008 flag
"Introduction: Facts and Fictions: BiDil and the Resurgence of Racial Medicine" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 443 Gregory Michael Dorr, David S Jones United States circa 2008 flag
"Flaws in the US Food and Drug Administration's Rationale for Supporting the Development and Approval of BiDil as a Treatment for Heart Failure Only in Black Patients" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 449 George T H Ellison, Jay S Kaufman, Rosemary F Head, Paul A Martin, Jonathan D Kahn United States circa 2008 flag
"Fixed-Dose Isosorbide Dinitrate-Hydralazine: Race-Based Cardiovascular Medicine Benefit or Mirage?" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 458 Keith C Ferdinand United States circa 2008 flag
"Genotyping the Future: Scientists' Expectations about Race/ Ethnicity after BiDil" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 464 Richard Tutton, Andrew Smart, Paul A Martin, Richard Ashcroft, George T H Ellison United States circa 2008 flag
"Revitalizing Difference in the HapMap: Race and Contemporary Human Genetic Variation Research" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 471 Jennifer A Hamilton United States circa 2008 flag
""Special Treatment": BiDil, Tuskegee, and the Logic of Race" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 478 Susan M Reverby United States circa 2008 flag
"Popular Representations of Race: The News Coverage of BiDil" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 485 Timothy Caulfield, Simrat Harry United States circa 2008 flag
"Beyond Best Practices: Strict Scrutiny as a Regulatory Model for Race-Specific Medicines" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 491 Osagie K Obasogie United States circa 2008 flag
"Understanding Race at the Frontier of Pharmaceutical Regulation: An Analysis of the Racial Difference Debate at the Ich" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 498 Wen-Hua Kuo United States circa 2008 flag
"Imperialism, Race, and Therapeutics: The Legacy of Medicalizing the "Colonial Body"" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 506 Patricia Barton United States circa 2008 flag
"Mustard Gas and American Race-Based Human Experimentation in World War Ii" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 517 Susan L Smith United States circa 2008 flag
"Public Health, Racial Tensions, and Body Politic: Mass Ringworm Irradiation in Israel, 1949–1960" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 522 Nadav Davidovitch, Avital Margalit United States circa 2008 flag
"Pharmaceutical Meaning-Making Beyond Marketing: Racialized Subjects of Generic Thiazide" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 530 Anne Pollock United States circa 2008 flag
"Is Race-Based Medicine Good for Us?: African American Approaches to Race, Biomedicine, and Equality" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 537 Dorothy E Roberts United States circa 2008 flag
"Human Subjects Protections in Biomedical Enhancement Research: Assessing Risk and Benefit and Obtaining Informed Consent" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 546 Maxwell J Mehlman, Jessica W Berg United States circa 2008 flag
"Research on Medical Records Without Informed Consent" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 560 Franklin G Miller United States circa 2008 flag
"Rethinking Risk in Pediatric Research" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 567 Kathleen Cranley Glass, Ariella Binik United States circa 2008 flag
"Preventing Hiv Transmission via Hiv Exposure Laws: Applying Logic and Mathematical Modeling to Compare Statutory Approaches to Penalizing Undisclosed Exposure to Hiv" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 577 Carol L Galletly, Steven D Pinkerton United States circa 2008 flag
"Currents in Contemporary Ethics" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 585 Perry W Payne, Jr United States circa 2008 flag
"Teaching Health Law" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 589 Paul A Lombardo United States circa 2008 flag
"Recent Developments in Health Law" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 594 Jeffrey M Jacobstein United States circa 2008 flag
"Foreword: On the Cusp: Insight and Perspectives on Health Reform" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 612 Sara Rosenbaum, Jeanne M Lambrew United States circa 2008 flag
"America's Uninsured: The Statistics and Back Story" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 618 Diane Rowland, Adele Shartzer United States circa 2008 flag
"Aiming High for the US Health System: A Context for Health Reform" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 629 Karen Davis, Cathy Schoen, Katherine Shea, Christine Haran United States circa 2008 flag
"Private Gain and Public Pain: Financing American Health Care" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 644 Bruce Siegel, Holly Mead, Robert Burke United States circa 2008 flag
"Protect the Sick: Health Insurance Reform in One Easy Lesson" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 652 Deborah Stone United States circa 2008 flag
"There's "Private" and Then There's "Private": Erisa, Its Impact, and Options for Reform" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 660 Phyllis C Borzi United States circa 2008 flag
"Why Public Programs Matter — and Will Continue to Matter — Even After Health Reform" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 670 Elizabeth J Fowler, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost United States circa 2008 flag
"War, Its Aftermath, and US Health Policy: Toward a Comprehensive Health Program for America's Military Personnel, Veterans, and Their Families" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 677 Michael J Jackonis, Lawrence Deyton, William J Hess United States circa 2008 flag
"The States' Role in National Health Reform" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 690 Alan R Weil, James R Tallon, Jr United States circa 2008 flag
"Reducing Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Disparities in Health Care: Opportunities in National Health Reform" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 693 Marsha Lillie-Blanton, Saqi Maleque, Wilhelmine Miller United States circa 2008 flag
"Aging, Primary Care, and Self-Sufficiency: Health Care Workforce Challenges Ahead" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 703 Fitzhugh Mullan, Seble Frehywot, Laura J Jolley United States circa 2008 flag
"Building an Information Technology Infrastructure" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 709 Melissa M Goldstein, David Blumenthal United States circa 2008 flag
"Should a Reformed System Be Prepared for Public Health Emergencies, and What Does that Mean Anyway?" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 716 Rebecca Katz, Jeffrey Levi United States circa 2008 flag
"Nine Lessons for Health Reform: Or Will We Finally Learn from the Past?" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 722 James A Morone, David Blumenthal United States circa 2008 flag
"Health Care Reform: Lessons from the Past, Lessons for the Future" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 725 Gail R Wilensky United States circa 2008 flag
"Proving the Skeptics Wrong: Why Major Health Reform Can Happen Despite the Odds" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 728 Chris Jennings United States circa 2008 flag
"Introduction: Organ Donation and Death from Unexpected Circulatory Arrest: Engaging the Recommendations of the Institute of Medicine" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 731 James M DuBois, Rebecca L Volpe United States circa 2008 flag
"The Washington, DC Experience with Uncontrolled Donation after Circulatory Determination of Death: Promises and Pitfalls" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 735 Jimmy A Light United States circa 2008 flag
"Legal Authority to Preserve Organs in Cases of Uncontrolled Cardiac Death: Preserving Family Choice" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 741 Richard J Bonnie, Stephanie Wright, Kelly K Dineen United States circa 2008 flag
"Donation after Uncontrolled Cardiac Death (uDCD): A Review of the Debate from a European Perspective" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 752 Pascal Borry, Walter Van Reusel, Leo Roels, Paul Schotsmans United States circa 2008 flag
"(Uncontrolled) Donation after Cardiac Determination of Death: A Note of Caution" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 760 Christopher James Doig, David A Zygun United States circa 2008 flag
"Organ Donation after Circulatory Determination of Death: Lessons and Unresolved Controversies" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 766 James F Childress United States circa 2008 flag
"Preemption and the Obesity Epidemic: State and Local Menu Labeling Laws and the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 772 Lainie Rutkow, Jon S Vernick, James G Hodge, Jr , Stephen P Teret United States circa 2008 flag
"The Corporate Transformation of Medical Specialty Care: The Exemplary Case of Neonatology" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 790 Eleanor D Kinney United States circa 2008 flag
"Neonatal Pain Relief and the Helsinki Declaration" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 803 Robert S Van Howe, J Steven Svoboda United States circa 2008 flag
"Brain Death Revisited: The Case for a National Standard" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 824 Eun-Kyoung Choi, Valita Fredland, Carla Zachodni, J Eugene Lammers, Patricia Bledsoe, Paul R Helft United States circa 2008 flag
"Currents in Contemporary Ethics : Gina, the Ada, and Genetic Discrimination in Employment" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 837 Mark A Rothstein United States circa 2008 flag
"Teaching Health Law : What We in Law Can Learn from Our Colleagues in Medicine about Teaching Students How to Practice Their Chosen Profession" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 841 Jennifer S Bard United States circa 2008 flag 1
"Reviews in Medical Ethics : Stumbling on Options: A Review of Readings in Comparative Health Law & Ethics by Timothy Stoltzfus Jost (2nd ed 2007)" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 851 Frances H Miller United States circa 2008 flag
"Recent Developments in Health Law" (2008) 36 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics 856 Sara Abiola, Inga Chernyak United States circa 2008 flag

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