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Matching Law Journal Articles: 25

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
"The Idea of Socratic Contestation and the Right to Justification: The Point of Rights-Based Proportionality Review" (2010) 4 Law & Ethics of Human Rights 142 Mattias Kumm Israel circa 2010 flag 3
"Balancing, Subsumption, and the Constraining Role of Legal Text" (2010) 4 Law & Ethics of Human Rights 35 Law & Ethics of Human Rights Israel circa 2010 flag 1
"The Construction of Constitutional Rights" (2010) 4 Law & Ethics of Human Rights 19 Law & Ethics of Human Rights Israel circa 2010 flag 1
"Proportionality and Principled Balancing" (2010) 4 Law & Ethics of Human Rights 1 Aharon Barak Israel circa 2010 flag 1
"Investor-State Arbitration: Proportionality's New Frontier" (2010) 4 Law & Ethics of Human Rights 46 Alec Stone Sweet Israel circa 2010 flag 1
"The Commission's proposal for a new European Systemic Risk Board: an evaluation" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 48 Goldby, Miriam; Keller, Anat circa 2010
"Guest Editorial" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 99 Matebalavu, Emma circa 2010
"Self-regulation is dead: long live self-regulation" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 102 Rouch, David circa 2010
"A review of 2009: part 2" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 123 McKnight, Andrew circa 2010
"Creating fail-safe banks" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 159 McIlroy, David circa 2010
"Managing litigation and dispute risk in the financial services markets" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 166 Sandler, Maria circa 2010
"Enhancing responsibility in financial regulation - critically examining the future of public-private governance: part 1" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 170 Chiu, Iris H-Y circa 2010
"Security financial collateral transfers and prime broker insolvency" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 189 Bridge, Michael circa 2010
"Bank deposit protection in offshore Britain: the Jersey model" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 194 Morris, Philip circa 2010
"Some misconceptions about Otc markets" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 263 Marcus, Daniel; Tshikali, LiƩvin circa 2010
"The Hipc Debt Relief Bill: making forgiveness compulsory" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 269 Hughes, Sophie; James, Simon; Yianni, Andrew; Zandstra, Deborah circa 2010
"Project finance in Turkey's energy sector: a Turkish delight for financiers" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 272 Bezen, Yesim; Aslan, Banu circa 2010
"Effective corporate governance?" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 276 Fitzsimons, Melanie circa 2010
"Financial rules: why they differ, where we got them wrong and how to fix them" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 279 Athanassiou, Phoebus circa 2010
"The Idea of Socratic Contestation and the Right to Justification: The Point and Purpose of Rights-Based Proportionality Review" (2010) 4 Law & Ethics of Human Rights 141 Law & Ethics of Human Rights Israel circa 2010 flag
"A review of 2009: part 1" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 7 McKnight, Andrew circa 2010
"The fraudulent-transfer risk in asset acquisitions and investments with financially distressed parties in the United States" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 32 Daniel, Iii, Josiah M circa 2010
"The strange death of literal England" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 36 Gibbons, Kate; James, Simon; Newick, Matthew circa 2010
"Taming the unruly horse: contractual invalidity and the anti-deprivation rule" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 41 Sidle, Paul circa 2010
"Enhancing responsibility in financial regulation - critically examining the future of public-private governance: part Ii" (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 286 Chiu, Iris H-Y circa 2010

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