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Redwood vers Coward   flag 

[1792] EngR 1907; 91 ER 995; (1792) 1 Ld Raym 147
King's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Chamberlain versus Hewson [1795] EngR 772; 1 Salk 115; 91 ER 107 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1795 CommonLII flag 15
Ringsted, , v Jane Butler, Widow, Dowager Countess of Lanesborough in Ireland [1783] EngR 26 United Kingdom circa 1783 CommonLII flag
Earl of Shaftsbury's Case [1677] EngR 89 United Kingdom circa 1677 CommonLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
646 Comb 408 646 Comb 408 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
480 Holt 661 480 Holt 661 United Kingdom flag 2
323 Holt 272 323 Holt 272 United Kingdom flag 1
307 Carth 382 307 Carth 382 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 2
26 Salk 212 26 Salk 212 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 2
Castle and WiEly,hereafter, Trin 23 CAR 2 Australia - Commonwealth flag 727
16 SC 17 16 SC 17 United Kingdom - Scotland flag 8
2 Inst 285 2 Inst 285 Italy flag 3
1 Vent 103 1 Vent 103 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 12
1 Rolle 400 1 Rolle 400 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 3

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