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Tilny versus Norris   flag 

[1795] EngR 3690; 91 ER 272; (1795) 1 Salk 309
King's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Jevens versus Harridge & Ux [1845] EngR 134; 1 Saund 1; 85 ER 1 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag 3
M'Dougal v O'Shaughnessy [1868] IELawRpCL 7 (1868) 2 IRCL 157 Republic of Ireland 15 Jan 1868 BAILII flag
1 Sand 317 Palm 314; 112 Carth 519; 1 Salk 309 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1220 WorldLII flag
1 Sand 317 Palm 314; 112 Carth 519; 1 Salk 309 King's Bench United Kingdom WorldLII flag 1
14 Jac Cr 622 Averment, Implication [1220] EngR 169 United Kingdom circa 1220 CommonLII flag
19 Jac Benl 238 PL 266 United Kingdom WorldLII flag 1
19 Jac Benl 238 PL 266 United Kingdom circa 1220 WorldLII flag 1
19 Jac Cr 618, Hall's case [1220] EngR 228 United Kingdom circa 1220 CommonLII flag
20 Jac 2 20 Jac 2 Court of Chancery United Kingdom WorldLII flag 10
20 Jac 2 Cr 645-6 5 Co 90 b, Sir John Appesley's case [1220] EngR 304 (1 January 1220) 20 Jac 2 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1220 WorldLII flag 10
21 Jac Cr 781, Peter's case 22 H 6, 41 [1220] EngR 322 United Kingdom circa 1220 CommonLII flag
3 CR 629 3 CR 629 International WorldLII flag 1
3 Cr 629, 714, 791 Hob 267 1 Lev 275 1 Sid 424 21 Jac Cr 666, 667, Stare's case [1220] EngR 382 (1 January 1220) 3 CR 629 International circa 1220 WorldLII flag 1

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Crabtree versus Bramble [1747] EngR 48; 3 Atk 680; 26 ER 1191 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1747 CommonLII flag 14
Mitchell versus Smart [1747] EngR 45; 26 ER 1149; (1747) 3 Atk 606 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1747 CommonLII flag 2
3 BR 1 3 BR 1 United States flag 145
112 Carth 619 112 Carth 619 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 2

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