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Sandby, Clerk, v Miller   flag  4

[1804] EngR 226; 102 ER 1044; (1804) 5 East 194
King's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Jordan v Strong [1816] EngR 569; 105 ER 1022; (1816) 5 M & S 196 King's Bench United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1816 CommonLII flag
Dixon v Bell [1816] EngR 573; 105 ER 1023; 5 M & S 198; (1816) 1 Stark 287; [1816] Holt NP 233 King's Bench United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1816 CommonLII flag 34
Evans v Thomson [1804] EngR 224; 102 ER 1042; (1804) 5 East 189 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1804 CommonLII flag 3
Woolley v Cloutman [1779] EngR 132 United Kingdom circa 1779 CommonLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Jordan v Strong [1816] EngR 569; 105 ER 1022; (1816) 5 M & S 196 King's Bench United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1816 CommonLII flag
Evans v Thomson [1804] EngR 224; 102 ER 1042; (1804) 5 East 189 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1804 CommonLII flag 3
5 East 196 5 East 196 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
2 Eq 802 2 Eq 802 United Kingdom flag 2
Woolley v Cloutman [1779] EngR 132 United Kingdom circa 1779 CommonLII flag
1828 2t Sim 282 1828 2t Sim 282 United Kingdom flag 2

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