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Knatchbull v Kissane   flag 

[1818] UKHL 5
House of Lords
United Kingdom
16th March, 1818

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Wallace v Smith, Treasurer of the West India Dock Co [1804] EngR 205; 5 East 115; 102 ER 1013 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1804 CommonLII flag 9
R v Joseph Jukes and Two Others [1800] EngR 160; 101 ER 1536; (1800) 8 TR 542 United Kingdom circa 1800 CommonLII flag 13
R Harrison and Co [1800] EngR 131; 8 TR 508; 101 ER 1516 United Kingdom circa 1800 CommonLII flag 4
Irving v Wilson [1791] EngR 1492; 4 TR 485; 100 ER 1132; 553 Cowp 69 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1791 CommonLII flag 14
Same v Mellish [1789] EngR 2600; 3 TR 442; 100 ER 667 United Kingdom circa 1789 CommonLII flag 14
Bankrupts Act 1603 1 Jac 1 Court of Chancery United Kingdom WorldLII flag 305
S C and Scott v Shearman 2 Black 977 United States Supreme Court United States flag 5
Cawthorn v Campbell 1 Anst 205; 145 ER 846 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom flag 15

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