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Bampton v Paulin   flag  3

[1827] EngR 528; 4 Bing 266; 130 ER 769
Court of Common Pleas
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Piers v Piers [1849] EngR 416; [1843-60] All ER 159; (1849) 2 HLCas 331; 9 ER 1118; 13 LTOS 41; (1849) 11 HLCas 331 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1849 CommonLII flag 39
Kelly v Thewles [1852] IELawRpEq 52 (1851-1853) 2 ICh R 510 Court of Chancery Republic of Ireland 8 Jul 1852 BAILII flag 1
R v Smith [1862] EngR 179; 176 ER 55; (1862) 3 F & F 123 United Kingdom circa 1862 CommonLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Kelly v Thewles [1852] IELawRpEq 52 (1851-1853) 2 ICh R 510 Court of Chancery Republic of Ireland 8 Jul 1852 BAILII flag 1
R v Smith [1862] EngR 179; 176 ER 55; (1862) 3 F & F 123 United Kingdom circa 1862 CommonLII flag

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