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Pickering v The Bishop of Ely   flag  4

[1843] EngR 514; 63 ER 109; (1843) 2 Y & CCh Cas 249
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Ryan v Mutual Tontine Westminster Chambers Association [1892] UKLawRpCh 163; [1893] 1 Ch 116 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 15 Nov 1892 CommonLII flag 27
Dougan v Ley [1946] HCA 3; (1946) 71 CLR 142; [1946] ALR 183 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Apr 1946 AustLII flag 93
Cant v Miller [1913] NSWStRp 58; (1913) 13 SR (NSW) 505; 30 WN (NSW) 143 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 25 Aug 1913 AustLII flag 1

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Specific Performance: Mutuality: Damages in Lieu: A Question of Jurisdiction or Discretion - Price v Strange" (1977-1979) 8 Sydney Law Review 716 Burton, Gregory; Winton, Judith I Australia circa 1979 AustLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Wadley v Bayliss [1814] EngR 642; 128 ER 887; (1814) 5 Taunt 752 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1814 CommonLII flag 4
1 Scott 600 1 Scott 600 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 6
5 Moore CP 185 5 Moore CP 185 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 1
Marshal of R's Bench: HardiBg v Pollock 6 Bing 25 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 5
Marks v Lahcs 4 Scott 137; 6 LJCP 691 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 8
Dougan v Ley [1946] HCA 3; (1946) 71 CLR 142; [1946] ALR 183 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Apr 1946 AustLII flag 93
Sir John Trelawny, Bart versus Bishop of Winchester [1757] EngR 54; 97 ER 281; (1757) 1 Burr 219 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1757 CommonLII flag 3
2 Salk 465 2 Salk 465 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 6
Snow v Fireilrass 2 Salk 439 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 2
4 B & Ad 26 4 B & Ad 26 Kings Bench United Kingdom flag 1
Cant v Miller [1913] NSWStRp 58; (1913) 13 SR (NSW) 505; 30 WN (NSW) 143 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 25 Aug 1913 AustLII flag 1
Kemble v Kean [1829] EngR 797; 6 Sim 333; 58 ER 619 United Kingdom circa 1829 CommonLII flag 9
7 Eliz, Dyer, 245 London, Replevin, Jour 9 Co 27 2 Inst 282 Italy circa 1913 WorldLII flag 17
2 Rus 63 2 Rus 63 Canada - Ontario circa 1913 flag 1
8 Rep 49 8 REP 49 Australia circa 1913 flag 1
Attorney-Gewal v Shore 11 Sim 616 United Kingdom circa 1913 flag 2
Shimonek v Tillanan 1 P 2 circa 1913 50

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