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Ewbank v NUtting and Ord   flag  6

[1849] EngR 496; 7 CB 797; 137 ER 316; 1 IVB 482
United Kingdom - Northern Ireland

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Weir v Hell [1878] UKLawRpExch 25; 3 Ex D 238; 47 LJEx 704 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom 18 May 1878 CommonLII flag 24
Australasian Steam Navigation Co v Morse [1872] EngR 22; [1872] UKLawRpPC 10; (1872) LR 4 PC 222; (1872) 8 Moore PCCNS 482; 27 LT 357; 17 ER 393; 20 WR 728; 1 Asp Mar Law Cas 407 Privy Council United Kingdom 22 Mar 1872 CommonLII flag 21
Wagstaff v Anderson [1880] UKLawRpCP 6; (1879-1880) 5 CPD 171 United Kingdom 1 Mar 1880 CommonLII flag 6
[1999] Hkcfi 784 (20 July 1999) [1999] HKCFI 784 Hong Kong Court of First Instance Hong Kong 20 Jul 1999 HKLII flag
Compagnie Franco-Indochinoise v Deutsch-Australische Dampschiffs Gesellschaft [1919] PHSC 5 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 17 Jan 1919 AsianLII flag
Notara v Henderson [1872] UKLawRpKQB 19; (1871-1872) LR 7 QB 225 United Kingdom 16 Feb 1872 CommonLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
7 QB 236 7 QB 236 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 4
3 Dowl 154 3 Dowl 154 United Kingdom flag 3
2 Exch 266 2 Exch 266 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom flag 3
1 CP 655 1 CP 655 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 3
1880 4 CPD 288; 5 CPD 1781 1880 4 CPD 288; 5 CPD 1781 2
Weir v Bell 1878 3 Ex D 244 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom flag 2
7 CB 796 7 CB 796 2
7 CB 802 7 CB 802 1
[1999] Hkcfi 784 (20 July 1999) [1999] HKCFI 784 Hong Kong Court of First Instance Hong Kong 20 Jul 1999 HKLII flag
Compagnie Franco-Indochinoise v Deutsch-Australische Dampschiffs Gesellschaft [1919] PHSC 5 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 17 Jan 1919 AsianLII flag
Notara v Henderson [1872] UKLawRpKQB 19; (1871-1872) LR 7 QB 225 United Kingdom 16 Feb 1872 CommonLII flag

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