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Binns v Brierly   flag 

[1849] NSWSupC 1
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia - New South Wales
18th April, 1849

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Young v White [1844] EngR 783; 7 Beav 506; 49 ER 1162 Rolls Court United Kingdom circa 1844 CommonLII flag 6
Protheroe v Forman [1819] EngR 454; 2 Swanst 227; 36 ER 602 United Kingdom circa 1819 CommonLII flag 4
Wilkins Assignees of Cann a Bankrupt v Casey [1798] EngR 162; 101 ER 1213; (1798) 7 TR 711 United Kingdom circa 1798 CommonLII flag 11
(1793) 2 Ves 129 (1793) 2 Ves 129 United Kingdom circa 1793 flag 2
Crowe v Ballard [1790] EngR 2463; 29 ER 443; (1790) 3 Bro CC 117 United Kingdom circa 1790 CommonLII flag 7
Anonymous [1722] EngR 4; (1722) 2 PWms 69; 24 ER 643 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1722 CommonLII flag 3
18 Ves 411 18 Ves 411 United Kingdom flag 1
13 Ves 586 13 Ves 586 United Kingdom flag 1
Hill v Simpson 7 Ves 152 United Kingdom flag 17
7 Beav 162 7 Beav 162 Rolls Court United Kingdom flag 4
4 TR 621 4 TR 621 8
3 Ves 171 3 Ves 171 United Kingdom flag 1
2 M & W 465-9 2 M & W 465-9 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom flag 1
NugeĀ·nt v. Gifford and Others 1 Atk 462 Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 1

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