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Serrell v The Derbyshire, Staffordshire, and Worcestershire Junction Railway Co   flag  4

[1850] EngR 652; (1850) 9 CB 811; 137 ER 1110; 19 LJNS 764
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Law and Practice of Banking" [1900] AUColLawMon 4 Hamilton, Edward B Australia circa 1900 AustLII flag
London and County Banking Co v Groome [1881] UKLawRpKQB 182; 8 QBD 288 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 19 Dec 1881 CommonLII flag 3
East Holyford Mining Co, The, v the National Bank [1871] IELawRpCL 47 (1870-1871) 5 IRCL 508 Republic of Ireland 1 May 1871 BAILII flag
Bateman v the Mid-Wales Railway Co; National Discount Co (Ltd) v Mid-Wales Railway Co; Overend, Gurney, and Co (Ltd) v Same [1866] UKLawRpCP 52; 1 CP 499 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom 8 May 1866 CommonLII flag 6

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Law and Practice of Banking" [1900] AUColLawMon 4 Hamilton, Edward B Australia circa 1900 AustLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
5 East 1981 5 East 1981 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1981 flag 3
London and Cowty Banking Co v Groome (1881) 8 QBD 2931 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1881 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
Arthur, Lord Viscount Dungannon,-Appellant; Charles Culling Smith, Esq, ,-Respondents [1846] EngR 830; 12 Cl & F 546; 8 ER 1523 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1846 CommonLII flag 17
Vanderplank v King [1843] EngR 673; 3 Hare 1; 67 ER 273 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1843 CommonLII flag 21
Serle v Norton [1841] EngR 1201; 174 ER 331; (1841) 2 Macl & R 401; 9 M & W 86 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1841 CommonLII flag 5
Beckham v Knight and Drake (1838) 4 Bing NC 243; 1 Scott NR 675 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1838 flag 3
Julia Langston, an Infant, by her next Friend; Maria Sarah Langston; Charles Barter the Elder, and Wife; and Charles Barter the Younger, an Infant, by his next Friend,-Appellants; James Haughton Langston, Sir Chas Morice Pole, Bart, and Haughton Farmer Okeover,-Respondents [1834] EngR 190; 2 Cl & F 194; 6 ER 1128; 8 Bli 137 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1834 CommonLII flag 30
Doe dem John Andrew Gallini v Francis Albert Gallini [1833] EngR 68; 5 B & Ad 621; 110 ER 920 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1833 CommonLII flag 11
Rothschild v Corney [1829] EngR 449; 9 B & C 388; 109 ER 144 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1829 CommonLII flag 3
John Southey Somerville v Mary Lethbridge, The Honourable Hugh Somerville, Henry Fownes Luttrell, William Southey, Robert Southey, Thomas /southey, John Southey, and Sarah Periam [1795] EngR 4021; 6 TR 213; 101 ER 517 United Kingdom circa 1795 CommonLII flag 8
19 LJCP 371 19 LJCP 371 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 2
Evers v Challis 18 QB 224 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 5
18 QB 197 18 QB 197 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
9 CB 8 9 CB 8 2
7 Hare 56S 7 Hare 56S Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 2
5 East 7 5 East 7 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 2
5 B & Ald 801 5 B & Ald 801 Kings Bench United Kingdom flag 4
3 TR 4841 3 TR 4841 2
Pitf v Jackson 2 Bro CC 51 United Kingdom flag 19
Mellish v MelZish 2 B & C 524 Kings Bench United Kingdom flag 6
Blackborn v Edgley 1 PWms 605 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 5

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