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Clifton v Robinson   flag  13

[1853] EngR 173; (1853) 16 Beav 355; 51 ER 816
Rolls Court
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Weston, in the matter of the Bankrupt Estate of Joe Hanna [2019] FCA 764 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 27 May 2019 AustLII flag
Akcine ’ Bendrove ’ Bankas Snoras (in bankruptcy) v Antonov [2013] EWHC 131 (Comm) High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales 4 Feb 2013 BAILII flag 13
Re Shepard (in his capacity as administrator of Hunter Bulk Materials Pty Ltd) (subject to a deed of Co arrangement) [2011] NSWSC 467; (2011) 83 ACSR 436 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 20 May 2011 AustLII flag 6
Weston v Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd [2011] NSWSC 433; (2011) 83 ACSR 206 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 13 May 2011 AustLII flag 56
In the matter of Idoport Pty Ltd (in liq) [2011] NSWSC 322; (2011) 83 ACSR 164 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 8 Apr 2011 AustLII flag 11
Brown v Sigma Chemicals (1986) Pty Ltd as Trustee of the Sigma Chemicals Trust [2001] WASCA 145 Supreme Court of Western Australia - Court of Appeal Australia - Western Australia 8 May 2001 AustLII flag
Jabuna Pty Ltd v Michael Hartley, Mary Carolyn Hartley, Wydate Pty Ltd, Christopher John Henry Riches and Absolute Foods Pty Ltd [1994] FCA 1029 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Apr 1994 AustLII flag
Lego Australia Pty Ltd and the Persons Listed In the Application Hereto T/As Ernst and Young v Phillip Paraggio; David Rooney; Francis Ivor Kelly; Wendy Elder; Wayne Martin Morrison [1993] FCA 393 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 Aug 1993 AustLII flag
Island Voice and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Re [No 1] [1989] AATA 222; 11 AAR 297; 20 ALD 684 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 19 Oct 1989 AustLII flag 3
Thomas A Edison Ltd v Bullock [1912] HCA 72; (1912) 15 CLR 679 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 31 Oct 1912 AustLII flag 278
Adelaide Steamship Co v Martin [1879] VicLawRp 72; 5 VLR (E) 45 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 7 Apr 1879 AustLII flag 3
Smith v Palmer SC Canterbury [1874] NZJurRp 21; (1874) 1 NZ Jur 195 New Zealand Jurist Reports New Zealand 17 Jul 1874 NZLII flag
Bank of Otago v Abbott [1868] NZLostC 217 New Zealand 24 Aug 1868 NZLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Hilton v Lord Granville [1841] EngR 827; 49 ER 288; (1841) 4 Beav 130 Rolls Court United Kingdom circa 1841 CommonLII flag 9

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