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Charles Mountnoy, Appellant, v William Collier, Respondent   flag  9

[1853] EngR 209; 118 ER 573; (1853) 1 E & B 630
Queen's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Broadway-Nassau Investments Ltd 8a34u16a Lau Cho Wing [2008] HKCFI 1621 Hong Kong Court of First Instance Hong Kong 11 Aug 2008 HKLII flag
Akai Holdings Ltd (in Compulsory Liquidation) v Ernst & Young (a Hong Kong Firm) [2007] HKCA 417 Hong Kong Court of Appeal Hong Kong 17 Sep 2007 HKLII flag 3
Metropolitan Trade Finance Co Pty Ltd v Coumbis [1973] HCA 58; 131 CLR 396; 2 ALR 258; 47 ALJR 719 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 6 Dec 1973 AustLII flag 4
Chief Kwame Asante v Chief Kwame Tawia (West Africa) [1949] UKPC 5 Privy Council United Kingdom 17 Jan 1949 BAILII flag 1
R v Lawrenz [1911] Zaofslawrppd 13 [1911] OPD 44 South Africa - Orange Free State 15 Jun 1911 SAFLII flag
Howorth v Sutcliffe [1895] UKLawRpKQB 137; (1895) 2 QB 358 United Kingdom 22 Jul 1895 CommonLII flag 2
Gibbins v Buckland [1863] EngR 227; (1863) 1 H & C 736; 158 ER 1080; 32 LJEx 156 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1863 CommonLII flag 1
R v The Churchwardens, Overseers and Guardians of the Poor of the Parish of Birmingham [1861] EngR 948; (1861) 1 B & S 763; 121 ER 897; 31 LJMC 63 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1861 CommonLII flag 14
Bridget and Papendick v William Bridgwater [1855] EngR 515; 5 E & B 166; 119 ER 443; 24 LJQB 716 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1855 CommonLII flag 1

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Balls v Westwood [1809] EngR 107; 2 Camp 11; 170 ER 1064 United Kingdom circa 1809 CommonLII flag 9
2 QB 3621 2 QB 3621 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 3
2 Camp 1I 2 Camp 1I 2

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