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Ex parte Edmond Sexton Pery Calvert, Felix Ladbroke, William Henry Calvert, Nicolson Calvert, John Johnstone and Alfred Plumer Ward Phelips In the Matter of Edmond Sexton Pery Calvert, Felix Ladbroke, William Henry Calvert, Nicolson Calvert, John Johnstone and Alfred Plumer Ward Phelips   flag 

[1858] EngR 979; 44 ER 1204; (1858) 3 De G & J 95
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Fi &r v Bell 19 COM 3 Europe flag 1
Riilgwczy v Clam 19 Beav 1II Rolls Court United Kingdom flag 1

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