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R v John Daubney Hind   flag 

[1860] EngR 200; 169 ER 1250; [1860] Bell 253
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Stobart (Executors of William Stobart) v Dryden [1836] EngR 228; 150 ER 581; (1836) 1 M & W 615 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1836 CommonLII flag 9
Wright, Ex Dimiss William Clymer versus Littler, ' [1761] EngR 23; 3 Burr 1244; 97 ER 812 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1761 CommonLII flag 7
6 East 195 6 East 195 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 4
Mary Thresher v The Co of Proprietors of the East London Water Works [1824] EngR 107; 2 B & C 608; 107 ER 510 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1824 CommonLII flag 6
R v Samuel Hudson, John Smith and John Dewhirst [1860] EngR 213; 8 WR 421; 169 ER 1254; 8 Cox CC 305; 24 JP 325; 2 LT 263; 6 Jur NS 566; 29 LJMC 145 UK United Kingdom circa 1860 CommonLII flag 9
6 Jur NS 514 6 Jur NS 514; 24 JP 340 UK 2
Rea; v BaXw 2 Mood & R 53 United Kingdom flag 2
2 R & C 608 2 R & C 608 Canada - Nova Scotia flag 1
8 P 233 8 P 233 1

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