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Foreman v Mayor of Canterbury   flag 

[1871] UKLawRpKQB 9; (1870-1871) LR 6 QB 214
United Kingdom
27th January, 1871

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Mersey Docks Trustees v Gibbs [1866] UKLawRpHL 9; 1 HL 93; 111 Cald Mag Cas 291 United Kingdom 5 Jun 1866 CommonLII flag 108
Young v Davis [1863] EngR 559; 2 H & C 197; 158 ER 675; 7 H & N 760; 31 LJEx 250 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1863 CommonLII flag 21
Hartnall v The Ryde Commissioners [1863] EngR 741; 4 B & S 361; 33 LJQB 39; 122 ER 494 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1863 CommonLII flag 18
5 QB 218 5 QB 218 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 17
Southampton & Itchen Floating Bridge Co v Southampton Local Board of Health 28 LJQB 41; 8 E & B 801 Queen's Bench United Kingdom flag 12
Holliday v The Vestry of the Parish of St Leonard, Shoreditch [1861] EngR 603; 11 CBNS 192; 142 ER 769; 30 LJCP 361 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1861 CommonLII flag 6
Harris and Wife v Baker [1815] EngR 626; 105 ER 745; (1815) 4 M & S 27 King's Bench United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1815 CommonLII flag 6
[1862] EngR 342; 7 H & N 760 [1862] EngR 342; 7 H & N 760 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1862 CommonLII flag 3

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