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Fagg v Lee   flag 

[1873] UKLawRpAE 17
United Kingdom
14th November, 1873

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Court Sieveking v Kingsford (1866) 36 LJEccl 1 United Kingdom circa 1866 flag 3
Hon and Rev Robert Liddell, William Parkes, and George Evans,-Appellants; James Beal,-Respondent [1860] EngR 919; 14 Moore PC 1; 15 ER 206 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1860 CommonLII flag 7
R v The Bishop of Chichester [1859] EngR 666; 2 E & E 209; 29 LJQB 23; 121 ER 80 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1859 CommonLII flag 7
Ex parte Medwin and Hurst [1853] EngR 183; (1853) 1 E & B 609; 118 ER 566; 22 LJQB 169 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1853 CommonLII flag 6
Thomas Moulden Sherwood,-Appellant; Robert Ray,-Respondent [1837] EngR 1169; [1835-42] All ER 631; 1 Moore PC 353; 12 ER 848; 397 Hag Ecc 169 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1835 CommonLII flag 10
Prankard v Deacle [1828] EngR 195; 162 ER 545; (1828) 1 Hag Ecc 169 United Kingdom circa 1828 CommonLII flag 1
Hopper v Davis [1754] EngR 119; 1 Lee 640; 161 ER 234 United Kingdom circa 1754 CommonLII flag 3
Line v Harris [1752] EngR 88; 161 ER 54; (1752) 1 Lee 146 United Kingdom circa 1752 CommonLII flag 2
3 Phil 501 3 Phil 501 Philippines flag 3
1 Moore PC 0 1 Moore PC 0 Privy Council United Kingdom flag 2

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