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Huntly v Brooks' Trustees   flag 

[1902] ScotLR 39_816
Scottish Law Reporter
United Kingdom - Scotland
15th July, 1902

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1860) 1 Paters App 938 (1860) 1 Paters App 938 House of Lords United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1860 flag 1
(1901) 85 LT 508 (1901) 85 LT 508 United Kingdom circa 1901 flag 1
Aakman v Azkman 3 Macq 854 United Kingdom - Scotland flag 11
AM-ul- Messih v Farm (L R 13 App Ca 431 South Africa - Cape of Good Hope flag 1
Brunel v Brunel [1871] UKLawRpEq 115; 12 Eq 298 United Kingdom 22 Jun 1871 CommonLII flag 4
Cossman Abdul - Messih v Farra [1888] UKLawRpAC 21; (1888) 13 AC 431 United Kingdom 17 Mar 1888 CommonLII flag 5
Craignish, In re, Craignish v Hewitt [1892] UKLawRpCh 48; [1892] 3 Ch 180 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 21 Mar 1892 CommonLII flag 10
Douglas v Douglas; Douglas v Webster [1871] UKLawRpEq 142; 12 Eq 617 United Kingdom 17 Jul 1871 CommonLII flag 14
Henry Moorhouse and Susan his Wife,-Appellants; James Lord ,-Respondents [1863] EngR 375; 10 HLCas 272; 11 ER 1030 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1863 CommonLII flag 25
In The Matter of The Estate and Effects of Edward Steer, Deceased [1858] EngR 820; 3 H & N 594; 157 ER 606 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1858 CommonLII flag 11
Jopp v Wood [1865] EngR 244; 8 Eq 631; 46 ER 1057; (1865) 4 De GJ & S 616 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 20 Jul 1869 CommonLII flag 16
Udny v Udny (1869) 7 M (HL) 89 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1869 flag 2
William Anderson,-Appellant; Caterine Laneuville,-Respondent [1854] EngR 967; 9 Moore PC 325; 14 ER 320; 9 Moore PC 335 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1854 CommonLII flag 7
3 Macq 852 3 Macq 852 United Kingdom - Scotland flag 2
4 Macq 852 4 Macq 852 United Kingdom - Scotland flag 1
5 SLR 566 5 SLR 566 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 6
6 M (HL) 69 6 M (HL) 69 United Kingdom - Scotland flag 1
18 TLR 414 18 TLR 414 United Kingdom LexisNexis flag 1
23 LJCh 724 23 LJCh 724 Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 3
25 SLR 675 25 SLR 675 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 5
26 SLR 481 26 SLR 481 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 4
28 Ljex 22 28 LJEx 22 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom flag 3
35 SLR 178 35 SLR 178 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 6
39 SLR 816 39 SLR 816 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 1
1878 3 AC 336 1878 3 AC 336 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1

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