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Allam Raju Nanjundiah v Allam Raju Venkatasubbayya   flag 

[1914] AllINRprMad 336; 16 MLT 239; [1915] AIR Mad 662
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
11th August, 1914

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1901) 28 Cal 641 (1901) 28 Cal 641 United States - California circa 1901 flag 5
[1875-77] 1 Bom 523 [1875-77] 1 Bom 523 India - Maharashtra circa 1875 flag 1
(1871) 15 WR 500 (1871) 15 WR 500 United Kingdom circa 1871 flag 2
(1867) 8 WR 32 (1867) 8 WR 32 United Kingdom circa 1867 flag 2
Williams v Jones [1845] EngR 394; 14 LJEx 145; (1845) 13 M & W 628; 153 ER 262 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag 41
26 Mad 339 26 Mad 339 India flag 8
16 IC 18; 1 Bom 523 16 IC 18; 1 Bom 523 United Kingdom - Maharashtra flag 2
12 Mad 98 12 Mad 98 India flag 2
7 Mad 191 7 Mad 191 India flag 3

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