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Khiali v Emperor   flag 

[1917] AllINRprAll 194; [1917] AIR All 316
All India Reporter - Allahabad
India - Uttar Pradesh
3rd January, 1917

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1916] Des 339 [1916] Des 339 United States - South Carolina circa 1916 flag 2
(1913) 37 Bom 26 (1913) 37 Bom 26 India - Maharashtra circa 1913 flag 1
(1909) 32 Mad 173 (1909) 32 Mad 173 India circa 1909 flag 5
(1902) 25 Mad 402 (1902) 25 Mad 402 India circa 1902 flag 3
(1901) 24 Mad 321 (1901) 24 Mad 321 India circa 1901 flag 3
(1897) 24 Gal 492 (1897) 24 Gal 492 United States circa 1897 flag 2
Mogul Steamship Co v M Applicants Gregor (1889) 58 LJQB 465 United Kingdom circa 1889 flag 2

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