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v P Peer Mahamad Rowther v Dalooram Javanarayan   flag 

[1918] AllINRprMad 282; 24 MLT 227; [1919] AIR Mad 728
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
13th March, 1918

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1907) 30 Mad 526 (1907) 30 Mad 526 India circa 1907 flag 2
Mody v Gregson [1868] UKLawRpExch 48; 4 Exch 49 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom 3 Dec 1868 CommonLII flag 10
Jones v Just (1868) LR 3 QB 197 United Kingdom circa 1868 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 20
[1815] 4 Champ 144 [1815] 4 Champ 144 United Kingdom circa 1815 flag 1
192 MWN 658 192 MWN 658 India - Tamil Nadu flag 1
21 Cal 496 21 Cal 496 United States - California flag 8

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