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Daniher v Fitzgerald   flag  4

[1919] NSWStRp 43; (1919) 19 SR (NSW) 260; 36 WN (NSW) 96
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Australia - New South Wales
7th August, 1919

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Osaka Enterprises Pty Ltd v Globe International Ltd [2011] QSC 171 Supreme Court of Queensland Australia - Queensland 21 Jun 2011 AustLII flag 1
Big Country Developments Pty Ltd v Wall S286/2001 [2002] HCATrans 208 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 May 2002 AustLII flag
Karacominakis v Big Country Developments Pty Ltd [2000] NSWCA 313; (2000) 10 BPR 18,235; [2001] ANZ Conv R 577; [2001] ANZ Conv R 513 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 17 Nov 2000 AustLII flag 157

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Leases by Mortgagors: Parkinson v Brahim" (1962-1964) 4 Sydney Law Review 255 Harland, D J Australia circa 1964 AustLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Real Property Act (NSW) s53

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Rollason v Leon Others [1861] EngR 660; (1861) 7 H & N 73; 158 ER 398; 31 LJEx 96 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1861 CommonLII flag 5
Cuthbertson v Irving [1859] EngR 767; (1859) 28 LJEx 306; (1859) 4 H & N 742; 157 ER 1034 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1859 CommonLII flag 27
In the Matter of a Plaint between Emery and Barnett [1858] EngR 656; 140 ER 1149; (1858) 4 CBNS 423 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1858 CommonLII flag 3
Gore, Esq and Wife v The Hon T P Lloyd [1844] EngR 117; 152 ER 1279; (1844) 12 M & W 463 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1844 CommonLII flag 3
Doe on the Demise of Coore v Clare [1788] EngR 251; 2 TR 739; 100 ER 398 United Kingdom circa 1788 CommonLII flag 9
Thomas and Sorrel [1685] EngR 3661; 1 Salk 208; 3 Keb 184 United Kingdom circa 1685 CommonLII flag 24
25 WN 19 25 WN 19 United Kingdom flag 1
22 WN 136 22 WN 136 United Kingdom flag 1

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