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Inaganti Venkatrama Rao v Venkatalingama Nayanim Bahadur Varu   flag 

[1921] AllINRprMad 23; 30 MLT 204; [1922] AIR Mad 49
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
13th October, 1921

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Teh Guan Teik v Inspector General of Police [1998] 3 MLJ 137 Malaysia circa 1998 LexisNexis flag 5
Air 1922 PC 249 AIR 1922 PC 249 Privy Council India circa 1922 flag 19
Air 1922 Mad 49 AIR 1922 Mad 49 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1922 flag 3
(1914) 20 CLJ 107 (1914) 20 CLJ 107 circa 1914 3
(1896) 21 Cal 997 (1896) 21 Cal 997 United States - California circa 1896 flag 1
(1896) 19 Mad 345 (1896) 19 Mad 345 India circa 1896 flag 1
(1893) 16 Mad 350 (1893) 16 Mad 350 India circa 1893 flag 4
(1881) 6 Bom 113 (1881) 6 Bom 113 India - Maharashtra circa 1881 flag 3
599 MWN 42 599 MWN 42 India - Tamil Nadu flag 1
36 Cal 799 36 Cal 799 United States - California flag 4
26 IC 410 26 IC 410 United Kingdom flag 7
25 Bom 606 25 Bom 606 India - Maharashtra flag 5
Sham Chand Giri v Bhayaram Panday 22 Cal 92 United States - California circa 1998 flag 3
19 IC 267 19 IC 267 United Kingdom circa 1998 flag 2
15 CLJ 446 15 CLJ 446 circa 1998 2
3 IC 995 3 IC 995 United Kingdom circa 1998 flag 2
3 Bom LR 227 3 Bom LR 227 India - Maharashtra circa 1998 flag 2
2 P 50 2 P 50 circa 1998 34

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