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Laxmansingh v Janardan   flag 

[1923] AllINRprNag 244
All India Reporter - Nagpur
22nd December, 1923

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1922 All 394 AIR 1922 All 394 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1922 flag 3
(1917) 13 NLR 175 (1917) 13 NLR 175 Sri Lanka circa 1917 flag 2
22 Mad 209; Air 1916 Pat 411 22 Mad 209; AIR 1916 Pat 411 India - Bihar circa 1916 flag 6
(1916) 12 NLR 86 (1916) 12 NLR 86 Sri Lanka circa 1916 flag 2
Dionis v Silva - NLR - 154 of 16 [1913] LKCA 4; (1913) 16 NLR 154 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 21 Feb 1913 AsianLII flag 5
(1912) 8 NLR 147 (1912) 8 NLR 147 Sri Lanka circa 1912 flag 2
(1906) 2 NLR 116 (1906) 2 NLR 116 Sri Lanka circa 1906 flag 1
(1902) 15 CPLR 188 (1902) 15 CPLR 188 United Kingdom circa 1902 flag 3
42 IC 270 42 IC 270 United Kingdom circa 1913 flag 1
28 MLT 95 28 MLT 95; [1920] MWN 369 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1913 flag 3
22 Bom LR 1315 22 Bom LR 1315 India - Maharashtra circa 1913 flag 2

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