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Bulakidas v Agent, B N Ry Co   flag 

[1924] AllINRprNag 203
All India Reporter - Nagpur
16th August, 1924

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1923] Bom 452 [1923] Bom 452 India - Maharashtra circa 1923 flag 5
Air 1921 Pat 480 AIR 1921 Pat 480 India - Bihar circa 1921 flag 1
Thiraviyam Pillai v Lakshmana Pillai [1917] AllINRprMad 251; [1918] MWN 524; 41 Mad 616 All India Reporter - Madras India - Tamil Nadu 19 Nov 1917 AsianLII flag 4
City of Hope National Medical Center v Genentech Inc (1916) 43 Cal 4 United States - California circa 1916 flag 2
(1915) 38 Mad 221 (1915) 38 Mad 221 India circa 1915 flag 5
(1913) 40 Cal 619 (1913) 40 Cal 619 United States - California circa 1913 flag 8
Sorabji Cooverji v Kala Raghunath (1912) 36 Bom 156 India - Maharashtra circa 1912 flag 16
(1903) 5 Bom LR 2 (1903) 5 Bom LR 2 India - Maharashtra circa 1903 flag 1
(1871) 15 WR 531 (1871) 15 WR 531 United Kingdom circa 1871 flag 1
(1831) 7 Cal 42 (1831) 7 Cal 42 United States - California circa 1831 flag 2
47 IC 538 47 IC 538 United Kingdom flag 1
42 Cal 1 42 Cal 1 United States - California flag 4
35 MLJ 150 35 MLJ 150 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 1
25 Bom LR 513 25 Bom LR 513 India - Maharashtra flag 1
18 CLJ 144 18 CLJ 144 1
17 CWN 636 17 CWN 636 India flag 1

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