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Savitri v Madho Rao   flag 

[1924] AllINRprNag 32
All India Reporter - Nagpur
29th January, 1924

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1918) 15 NLR 101 (1918) 15 NLR 101 Sri Lanka circa 1918 flag 1
Laxmanlal v Mulshankar (1908) 32 Bom 449 India - Maharashtra circa 1908 flag 4
(1901) 24 Mad 523 (1901) 24 Mad 523 India circa 1901 flag 4
(1901) 25 Bom 694 (1901) 25 Bom 694 India - Maharashtra circa 1901 flag 1
Hopkins v Prescott [1847] EngR 573; 4 CB 578; 136 ER 634 United Kingdom 16 May 1888 CommonLII flag 10
(1885) 9 Bom 176 (1885) 9 Bom 176 India - Maharashtra circa 1885 flag 2
46 Intl Org 748 46 Intl Org 748 United States flag 1
5 Australian Law Journal 192 5 Australian Law Journal 192 Australian Law Journal Australia Legal Online flag 2

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