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Ashgar Ali v Akbar Ali   flag 

[1925] AllINRprNag 6
All India Reporter - Nagpur
22nd January, 1925

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1905) 28 Mad 310 (1905) 28 Mad 310 India circa 1905 flag 2
Dwarka Nath Mondul v Beni Madhab Banerjee (ILR (1901) 28 Cal 652 United States - California circa 1901 flag 7
Emperor v Ohinna Ealiappa 29 Mad 126 India circa 1901 flag 10
16 MLJ 79 16 MLJ 79 Malaysia circa 1901 LexisNexis flag 2
2 Cr LJ 758 2 Cr LJ 758 India circa 1901 flag 2

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