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Birdichand Lalchand v Popat Lal   flag 

[1926] AllINRprNag 35
All India Reporter - Nagpur
16th March, 1926

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Ex parte McCarthy 29 Cal 395 United States - California flag 15
Rabot v De Silva - NLR - 82 of 8 [1905] LKCA 26; 8 NLR 82 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 25 Jan 1905 AsianLII flag 8
(1901) 28 Gal 475 (1901) 28 Gal 475 United States circa 1901 flag 4
27 Mad 228 27 Mad 228 India circa 1905 flag 4
(1905) 7 Bom LR 169 (1905) 7 Bom LR 169 India - Maharashtra circa 1905 flag 3
[1923] Mad 262 [1923] Mad 262 India circa 1923 flag 1
(1906) 11 CWN 478 (1906) 11 CWN 478 India circa 1906 flag 1
5 CLJ 338 5 CLJ 338 circa 1905 1
2 Lah 40 2 Lah 40 Pakistan flag 1

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