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Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Duraiswami Aiyangar v Varadarajulu Naidu, A I R [1928] Mad 2 India circa 1928 flag 2
Eespondent "this application would not lie, an applica Varadachariar, J --This appeal arises tion for amendment would be of no avail out of a suit brought to enforce the charge I therefore give leave to the appellants created by a security bond (Ex H) dated to make the necessary amendments in 1st May 1925, executed by one Laksh- 1937 Kasi Chettiar v Ramasami Chettiar (Varadachariar, J) Madras 177 manan Chettiar, the uncle of the defen what exactly is being brought to sale In dant, to secure repayment of moneys due the circumstances of the case, there can on dealings that had gone on for some be little doubt as to what is the most con years between Lakshmanan Chettiar and venient course It will scarcely be worth the plaintiff The plaint stated generally the while of a Court auction-purchaser in para 2 that lakshmanan Chettiar died unless he is a speculator to purchase in without issue leaving India - Tamil Nadu circa 1928 flag 2

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