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Rosario Esler, Vda De Tad-Y v Jose b Ledesma, Provincial Sheriff of Iloilo, Nicolas Valencia and Mateo Villavert, Clerk of Court of First Instance of Iloilo   flag 

[1928] PHSC 87
Supreme Court of the Philippines
21st September, 1928

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Freeman v United States 217 US 539; 30 SCt 592; 54 L Ed 874; 19 Ann Cas 755 United States Supreme Court United States 16 May 1910 WorldLII flag 5
[1925] Ariz 44 [1925] Ariz 44 United States - Arizona circa 1925 flag 1
[1926] Tex Civ Rep 289 [1926] Tex Civ Rep 289 United States - Texas circa 1926 flag 1
[1905] 4 Phil 160 [1905] 4 Phil 160 Philippines circa 1905 flag 1
48 ALR 1425 48 ALR 1425 Australia circa 1910 LexisNexis AU flag 1
[1919] Cal 7 [1919] Cal 7 United States - California circa 1919 flag 1
Iowa vs Owens (1900) 112 Iowa 403 United States - Iowa circa 1900 flag 2
7 Ne 910 7 NE 910 United States flag 3
Wright & Taylor vs Dougherty (1908) 138 Iowa 195 United States - Iowa circa 1908 flag 2
Noriega and Tobias 31 Phil 310 Philippines circa 1908 flag 7
[1905] 5 Phil 324 [1905] 5 Phil 324 Philippines circa 1905 flag 1
[1922] Utah 26 [1922] Utah 26 United States - Utah circa 1922 flag 1

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