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Kalumal Devandas v Kessumal Naraindas   flag 

[1929] AllINRprSind 63
All India Reporter - Sind
2nd April, 1928

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
[1922] Mad 314 [1922] Mad 314 India circa 1922 flag 3
[1904] 2s Bom 66 [1904] 2S Bom 66 India - Maharashtra circa 1904 flag 2
28 Bom 66 28 Bom 66 India - Maharashtra flag 6
[1907] 1 SLR 101 [1907] 1 SLR 101 Singapore - Singapore circa 1907 LexisNexis flag 2
(1880) 49 Ljex 308 (1880) 49 LJEx 308 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1880 flag 3
Contract Act Smith v Trowsdale (1854) 23 LJQB 107 United Kingdom circa 1854 flag 1
42 LT 351 42 LT 351 United Kingdom flag 3
(1888) 15 Gal 319 (1888) 15 Gal 319 United States circa 1888 flag 2
[1928] P 0 [1928] P 0 circa 1928 24

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