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Metropolitan Abattoirs Board Officers' Association Case   flag  2

[1929] SAIndRp 17; 10 SAIR 110
South Australian Industrial Reports
Australia - South Australia
5th September, 1929

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
South Australia Gas Co's Salaried Officers' Association Case [1944] SAIndRp 11; 18 SAIR 57 South Australian Industrial Reports Australia - South Australia 12 May 1944 AustLII flag 1
Women Teachers' Guild Registration Case [1940] SAIndRp 4; 16 SAIR 31 South Australian Industrial Reports Australia - South Australia 23 May 1940 AustLII flag 4

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Australian Clerical Association and The Trustee Companies Officers' Association [1922] CthArbRp 118; 16 CAR 931 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 27 Oct 1922 AustLII flag 1
Australian Ship and Wharf Workers Association v The Waterside Workers Federation of Australia [1919] CthArbRp 3; (1919) 13 CAR 4 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 21 Feb 1919 AustLII flag 15
Federated Shipwrights Sip Constructors Naval Architects Ships Draughtsmen and Boat Builders Association of Australia and D Drake Ltd [1918] CthArbRp 143; (1918) 12 CAR 661 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 2 Dec 1918 AustLII flag 3
NSW Amalgamated Railway and Tramway Service Association [1914] AR 97 circa 1914 1
v* (In re Blacksmith's Society [1914] AR 76 circa 1914 1
Commonwealth Postmasters Association; Ex parte Australian Commonwealth Post and Telegraph Officers Association [1913] CthArbRp 29; 7 CAR 54 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 24 Sep 1913 AustLII flag 4

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