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Hassanand v Deumal Girdharimal   flag 

[1930] AllINRprSind 67
All India Reporter - Sind
4th December, 1929

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1925 Sind 55 AIR 1925 Sind 55 Pakistan circa 1925 flag 3
Air 1923 PC 160 AIR 1923 PC 160 Privy Council India circa 1923 flag 2
[1923] PC 160 [1923] PC 160 United Kingdom circa 1923 flag 7
(1912) 17 CWN 280 (1912) 17 CWN 280 India circa 1912 flag 2
Laxmanlal v Mulshankar (1908) 32 Bom 449 India - Maharashtra circa 1908 flag 4
(1901) 24 Mad 4 (1901) 24 Mad 4 India circa 1901 flag 1
(1888) 12 Bom 122 (1888) 12 Bom 122 India - Maharashtra circa 1888 flag 2
Vide Jugmohan Das v Sir Mangal Das (1886) 10 Bom 528 India - Maharashtra circa 1886 flag 5
[1866] 3 MHC 50 [1866] 3 MHC 50 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1866 flag 1
Muddun v Ram (1863) 6 WR 71 United Kingdom circa 1863 flag 7
4 Act 11 4 Act 11 United Kingdom flag 4

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