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Raman Chetti v The Taluk Board of Shivaganga   flag 

[1931] AllINRprMad 88; [1932] AIR Mad 226
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
8th October, 1931

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1926] Mad 1048 [1926] Mad 1048 India circa 1926 flag 2
[1923] Mad 574 [1923] Mad 574 India circa 1923 flag 4
[1923] Lah 14 [1923] Lah 14 Pakistan circa 1923 flag 4
[1921] Bom 159 [1921] Bom 159 India - Maharashtra circa 1921 flag 5
Air 1921 Bom 159 AIR 1921 Bom 159 India - Maharashtra circa 1921 flag 1
B); and a i b [1918] PC 74; 46 IC 481 United Kingdom circa 1918 flag 9
(1916) 39 Mad 219 (1916) 39 Mad 219 India circa 1916 flag 2
(1899) 23 Bom 266 (1899) 23 Bom 266 India - Maharashtra circa 1899 flag 4
2 P 232 2 P 232 8
2 Act 9 2 Act 9 United Kingdom flag 7
Sri Raghunadha v Sri Brozo Kishoro 1 Mad 69; 3 LA 154 India flag 15

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