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Alapati Achutaramana v Vasireddi Jagannadham   flag 

[1932] AllINRprMad 53; [1933] AIR Mad 117
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
16th September, 1932

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1732) 1 Lee 513 (1732) 1 Lee 513 United Kingdom circa 1732 flag 2
(1892) 17 Bom 560 (1892) 17 Bom 560; (1893) 16 Mad 380 India - Maharashtra circa 1892 flag 7
(1909) 36 Gal 799 (1909) 36 Gal 799; 45 Cal 862 United States circa 1909 flag 3
(1910) 6 IC 912 (1910) 6 IC 912 United Kingdom circa 1910 flag 1
(1910) 7 IC 126 (1910) 7 IC 126 United Kingdom circa 1910 flag 1
[1915] PC 124 [1915] PC 124 United Kingdom circa 1915 flag 9
[1932] Gal 206 [1932] Gal 206 United States circa 1932 flag 1
Air 1914 Bom 8 AIR 1914 Bom 8 India - Maharashtra circa 1914 flag 2
Air 1921 PC 123 AIR 1921 PC 123 Privy Council India circa 1921 flag 2
Air 1924 PC 247 AIR 1924 PC 247 Privy Council India circa 1924 flag 4
Air 1930 Pat 618 AIR 1930 Pat 618 India - Bihar circa 1930 flag 1
Bittleston, by her Guardian v Clark [1755] EngR 150; 161 ER 330; (1755) 2 Lee 248 United Kingdom circa 1755 CommonLII flag 2
31 Mad 236 31 Mad 236 India flag 8
36 Cal 799 36 Cal 799 United States - California flag 4
62 IC 737 62 IC 737 United Kingdom flag 3

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