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U Ba Dwe v Mg Lu Pan   flag 

[1932] AllINRprRang 37
All India Reporter - Rangoon
2nd May, 1932

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1926] Bom 567 [1926] Bom 567 India - Maharashtra circa 1926 flag 2
(1918) 41 Mad 620 (1918) 41 Mad 620 India circa 1918 flag 8
Amirtham v Alwar Manikam (1904) 27 Mad 37 India circa 1904 flag 3
(1903) 13 MLJ 425 (1903) 13 MLJ 425 Malaysia circa 1903 LexisNexis flag 1
(1903) 13 MLJ 292 (1903) 13 MLJ 292 Malaysia circa 1903 LexisNexis flag 5
Kamalakshi v Ramasami (1896) 19 Mad 197 India circa 1896 flag 3
46 Cal 651 46 Cal 651 United States - California flag 4
41 Mad 620 41 Mad 620 India flag 8
13 Bom 126 13 Bom 126 India - Maharashtra flag 1

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