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U Sein Win v Central Plumbing Co Ltd   flag 

[1934] AllINRprRang 147
All India Reporter - Rangoon
27th July, 1934

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1934] Cal 615 [1934] Cal 615 United States - California circa 1934 flag 4
[1928] Bom 260 [1928] Bom 260 India - Maharashtra circa 1928 flag 1
Equitable Fire and Accident Office, Ld v Ching Wo Hong [1906] UKLawRpAC 55; [1907] AC 96; 96 LT 1 United Kingdom 19 Dec 1906 CommonLII flag 5
Gour Chandra Das v Prasanna Kumar Chandra (1906) 33 Cal 812 United States - California circa 1906 flag 8
Aldous v Cornwell (1867) 3 QB 573 United Kingdom circa 1867 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
33 Gal 812 33 Gal 812 United States circa 1907 flag 6
8 Bom 313 8 Bom 313; (1885) 8 Mad 62 India - Maharashtra flag 5
3 QB 573 3 QB 573 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 10
2 B & S 607 2 B & S 607 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1907 flag 2
1 LBR 255 1 LBR 255 Myanmar circa 1907 flag 2

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