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In re H B Babington   flag 

[1936] AllINRprMad 7; [1937] AIR Mad 14
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
25th September, 1936

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
H C Bolton v Emperor AIR 1933 Cal 240 India - West Bengal circa 1933 flag 1
[1933] Gal 240 [1933] Gal 240 United States circa 1933 flag 1
[1924] Mad 373 [1924] Mad 373 India circa 1924 flag 1
Jeremiah v Johnson AIR 1924 Mad 373 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1924 flag 1
Harris v Peal AIR 1920 All 351 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1920 flag 2
(1920) 17 Australian Law Journal 896 (1920) 17 Australian Law Journal 896 Australian Law Journal Australia circa 1920 Legal Online flag 2
76 IC 695 76 IC 695 United Kingdom flag 1
60 Cal 6764 60 Cal 6764 United States - California flag 1
45 MLJ 8001 45 MLJ 8001 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 1
23 Cal 261 23 Cal 261 United States - California flag 2
23 Cal 26 23 Cal 26 United States - California flag 5
Queen Empress v Grant 12 Bom 561 India - Maharashtra flag 3
2 P 16 2 P 16 15

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