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Syed Waziruddin Kamasruddin Kazi v Syed Basiruddin Nashiruddin   flag 

[1936] AllINRprNag 165; [1936] AIR Nag 288
All India Reporter - Nagpur
India - Maharashtra
3rd September, 1936

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1933] Nag 266 [1933] Nag 266 India - Maharashtra circa 1933 flag 1
[1931] Nag 266 [1931] Nag 266 India - Maharashtra circa 1931 flag 2
[1931] PC 160 [1931] PC 160 United Kingdom circa 1931 flag 4
[1925] PC 176; 87 IC 295 [1925] PC 176; 87 IC 295 United Kingdom circa 1925 flag 10
Gondaji v Kisan [1921] Nag 141 India - Maharashtra circa 1921 flag 1
Mir Mahebubali v Ahmada Begam 193 Nag 266 India - Maharashtra flag 2
61 IC 889 61 IC 889 United Kingdom flag 1
59 Cal 1 59 Cal 1 United States - California flag 3
2 P 290 2 P 290 9
2 P 289 2 P 289 8

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