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Mt Renukabai w/o Sitaramji Wankhade v Bheosan Hapsaji Junghare   flag 

[1938] AllINRprNag 98
All India Reporter - Nagpur
10th October, 1938

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1934 PC 68 AIR 1934 PC 68 Privy Council India circa 1934 flag 4
Ramlinga Annavi v Narayana Annavi (1922) 9 AIR Pat 0 India - Bihar circa 1922 flag 14
Bansiram Jashamal v Gunnia Naga Iyer [1919] PC 24 United Kingdom circa 1919 flag 11
Surendra Nath Guha and Bam Mohan (P G) and (1903) 30 Cal 539 United States - California circa 1903 flag 35
(1892) 19 Cal 584 (1892) 19 Cal 584 United States - California circa 1892 flag 2
Agra Bank, Ltd, and The Agra and Masterman's Bank, Ltd v Mary Teresa Barry, and Robert Henry Haly [1874] UKLawRpHL 9; 7 HL 135 United Kingdom 15 Jun 1874 CommonLII flag 26
(1861-63) 9 Moore Ind App 307 (1861-63) 9 Moore Ind App 307 India circa 1861 flag 1
49 Cal 8201 49 Cal 8201 United States - California flag 1
43 Bom 662 43 Bom 662 India - Maharashtra flag 2
30 Cal 5397 30 Cal 5397 United States - California flag 4
19 Cal 5843 19 Cal 5843 United States - California flag 1
11 Moore Ind App 517 11 Moore Ind App 517 India flag 6
4 Cal 897 4 Cal 897 United States - California flag 8

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