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Attapattu v Punchi Banda - NLR - 169 of 40   flag 

[1938] LKHC 34
High Court of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
19th December, 1938

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1938) 40 NLR 169 (1938) 40 NLR 169 Sri Lanka circa 1938 flag 4
(1921) 23 NLR 274 (1921) 23 NLR 274 Sri Lanka circa 1921 flag 2
Manuel v Kanapanickan (1911) 14 NLR 186 Sri Lanka circa 1911 flag 3
(1896) 23 Cal 983 (1896) 23 Cal 983 United States - California circa 1896 flag 7
(1895) 22 Cal 176 (1895) 22 Cal 176 United States - California circa 1895 flag 2
Halliday v Kandasamy 14 NLR 492 Sri Lanka flag 2

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