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Mirza Adamkhan v Tikamdas Wadhumal   flag 

[1939] AllINRprSind 58
All India Reporter - Sind
20th May, 1938

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1915 Mad 81 AIR 1915 Mad 81 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1915 flag 1
[1898] Sec 144 [1898] SEC 144 United States circa 1898 flag 3
Sundaram v R (1883) 6 Mad 203 India circa 1883 flag 10
Beatty v Gillbanks [1882] UKLawRpKQB 104; (1881) 85 All ER 559; (1882) 9 QBD 308; (1882) 15 Cox CC 138 United Kingdom 13 Jun 1882 CommonLII flag 38
Sec Form of Order, In re McDermott, Law Rep 1 P 0; [1876] Mad Jur 340 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1876 flag 194
34 Gal 935 34 Gal 935 United States flag 1
34 Cal 5511 34 Cal 5511 United States - California flag 1
2 P 170 2 P 170 6
2 P 167 2 P 167 8

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