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Umar Ahmed v Emperor   flag 

[1940] AllINRprSind 4
All India Reporter - Sind
27th September, 1939

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Mt Harbai v Raya JPremji (1939) 26 AIR Sind 193 Pakistan circa 1939 flag 1
(1929) 16 Air Sind 61 (1929) 16 AIR Sind 61 Pakistan circa 1929 flag 1
Kirkwood v Maung Sin (1924) 11 AIR Pat 0 India - Bihar circa 1924 flag 2
(1908) 31 Mad 321 (1908) 31 Mad 321 India circa 1908 flag 2
Saguna v Sadashiv (1902) 26 Bom 710 India - Maharashtra circa 1902 flag 4
Sec Form of Order, In re McDermott, Law Rep 1 P 0; [1876] Mad Jur 340 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1876 flag 194
48 Bom 569 48 Bom 569 India - Maharashtra flag 1
45 Bom 353 45 Bom 353 India - Maharashtra flag 1
31 Mad 3217 31 Mad 3217 India flag 1
26 Bom 7108 26 Bom 7108 India - Maharashtra flag 1
23 SLR 481 23 SLR 481 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 2
23 SLR 43 23 SLR 43 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 1
20 SLR 1509 20 SLR 1509 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 1

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